Application/Information Post: House of Cards

May 05, 2012 05:08

Player name/alias: Rys

Character Name: Brennan Ashburg

Character Age: 30

Character Suit and Rank: Spade, 9

Short Physical Description: Standing at 5'11, Brennan's average height, with dark hair and equally dark brown eyes. Not overly muscled, he has an athletic physique, one he likes to adorn with complex tattoos, mixed with a few piercings. His general clothing style is leather jackets, tshirts, button-up shirts, and jeans, all rounded off nicely with a solid pair of boots.

Character Personality: Methodical in his work, Brennan has a good eye for detail, as well as a steady hand. He can come across as intense, sometimes preferring to make his point with a look as opposed to a long, spewing diatribe. That's not to say that he can't be eloquent when the situation calls for it. Brennan has a very high pain threshold, one he sometimes likes to push in both his professional and personal aspects. He also has a cheeky, somewhat crass sense of humor, something that his actual friends see more than his clientele do. He does what he best can to put his clients at ease, including being extremely impersonal to being sometimes too personal; almost blending the role of bartender therapist with his work. Who better to talk to than the man jabbing you with needles and ink?

Liking to chill at the bar on his offtime with a beer and relax with a game of darts or pool, he can usually be seen with a small sketch book; a place he puts all of his potential tattoo and art ideas. There might also be a few needles secreted away on him for when the need calls for it. It's amazing what kind of skills you pick up in some of the less Americanized genres of tattooing - particularly, pressure and accupuncture points. He also has a Bornean traditional tattoo kit; which consists of two sticks, one with a needle or blade attached, and the other used to tap against it, tapping the ink into the skin. While he can use it, he prefers to reserve it for special occasions, such as anyone in the Deck deciding to get a spiritual tattoo, or something to mark a ritualistic occasion.

A fan of rock music, motorcycles (one of which he owns and likes to work on), Bren almost falls into the stereotype of the typical tattooist biker-type. Of course, unlike most typical tattooist biker-types, Brennan knows his limits and follows the rules and rank of the Deck. He has no problem submitting to his superiors, and he doesn't bully anyone he overranks. His travels and teachings taught him a way to divert his anger and aggression, and how to channel it into his art. When he's feeling particularly in the need to vent, he'll pull out an oil canvas and paint something that borders on horrific and macabre, yet has a tinge of vulnerability to it, which makes for an odd but haunting blend.

Character History: Brennan was born to two low-ranking Cards; a three of Spades, and a four of Clubs. Brought up as most Deck children were, he took an early interest in art, getting his first sketch pad at six. Since then, he's never seen without some form of one, be it a large book, or a smaller notepad crammed in his back pocket. He got along well enough with most of the other children, but he never had anyone he was particularly close to. When he was fourteen, he gave himself his first tattoo, done with a sewing needle and Indian Ink, which began the life-long love affair with body modification. He didn't stop there, of course, aquiring more during his apprenticeship. Most of the artwork done on him was done by his teacher. He spent three years off-Deck in his early twenties, travelling around, apprenticing under a myriad of different tattoo styles. He also managed to pick up piercing skills, along with accupressure/accupuncture, though that was more a hobby as opposed to his true calling, tattooing. He has a small shop in Town, which he lives above, 'Marked Cards'; though he adheres to the off-Deck rules of his clients being 18 or older unless he gets permission from the parents themselves. He's well aware of how sneaky the cardlings can be, and he'd like to keep his shop open and avoid a tongue lashing from his king, thanks.

Character PB: Jason Behr

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