Apr 18, 2004 13:29
havn't updated for a while, but friday night plans werent working out to good. so me nd kris just went to allie's. we chilled out for a while and jay his bro and they're friend came over. that was pretty funny. ' its just me and you's ' haha OH GOD. so after they ALL left, we went back to the computer and talked to doug ..and we wanted to chill so doug and ryan came overr. soon jon came too. then we were hangin out and doug said he took some weird pixx..haha i don't want to know. so then they left and me al and kris all got changed and talked and stuff and went to bed. kristy sat up a little after we went to sleep and yelled LAUREN. wow funnyyy stuff. so then we got up and ate apple pancakes and cinnimon buns. [ and listened to john mayer =) ] then we went ouside on the trampoline and were doing cartwheels and being weird hahaha. then my dad came so i came home and did some cleaning. our neighbors were outside so we were talking for a while. me kris and al were supposed to go to the mall, but no ride. soo i was home last night and i worked on my holocause project. sucks. got up early this morning and went out with mom and bro. then we came home and he had a soccer game and i didn/t want to go so i told my mom i was going to stay home and she was like oooh good..make my bed, fold the clothes, vacume upstairs and wash the dishes. wtfff my bed wasn't even made nevertheless hers. god shes a bitch. so they left and i blasted my music and let my anger out on the vacume. haha yes. so i did all that shit and now im here bored and have to finish my project. this weekand went by way too fast. its supposed to be warrm tomorrow and i want to wear a skirt but NO i have fucking gym. o well i'll sit out. haha okay bye