Jul 19, 2013 14:23
So things have changed since my last post. Not really so much in a good way, but. Thanks to everyone who responded. I so didn't see anything until now because I guess I've been pretty brain dead and on vacation and trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe or somesuch. And in the hospital for seizures that I just started having. I love bills. I really do.
Anywho, I'm moving back home to Maryland. I was trying to find a place to go and take my time to make sure everything was in order, but I've been told that I need to leave by the end of July. Yay for giving me notice! Urge to be done with men and become a lesbian rising. I do have a place to go, however, and now begins the mad rush to find work and register to go to school. What can I say? When I do things, I do them in an ohgodohgodwe'reallgoingtodie kind of way. Though, to be fair, this time? It's not entirely my fault. I've been graced with a very loving and understanding boyfriend. I would HASHTAG SARCASM if I didn't hate hashtags.
Anyway, the move was probably a mistake. I can't stress how much I love it up here, but it's expensive as shit. And I'm poor. But I think sometimes we have to make mistakes like this to realize what's best for us and truly pursue it. So I'm not quite the basket case that I was a few weeks ago, and I'm not as depressed as I thought I would be. Kaylee and I got this shit.
Thanks again~ For reading my whining and responding before. I'm almost 30, but I'll get it together someday. ♥