Oct 12, 2011 15:12
Last week I was told I had a kidney infection. I was given antibiotics and some pain meds, but otherwise I thought little of it. I felt better for a while until Monday evening when I was so uncomfortable, I couldn't sleep. I called my doctor and was told to go to the ER. Saint Agnes, the worst hospital around, let me wait for 3 hours before coming out and pretty much telling everyone waiting that they should leave since they were so busy. I was personally told I wouldn't be seen for at least another five hours. Wink, nudge, we want you to leave.
I tried to go to work the next day and was sent home for looking awful. I then went to Harbor Hospital, which I've heard bad things about, and actually had a good experience there. The wait in the ER was less than an hour, and the doctor and staff were attentive and nice. I found out that my right kidney is inflamed or dilated or something, and that the ultrasound showed a shadowed thingy that may or may not be an infected kidney stone. I was given another antibiotic to take along with some percoset and an anti-nausea medicine.
So these past two weeks have sucked. I'm stuck home. Not making money and either in all kinds of pain or out of it because I'm taking things to make the pain go away. I'm trying not to bitch too much because, you know, this could've been a lot lot lot worse if my paranoia hadn't caught it. I think I just needed to let the pouty out through written word or something.
Thoughts and/or prayers appreciated!
And Gil. lol Fate/Zero is at least amazing still. No need to fear Archer. Snerk.