The end fight wasn't really too bad. I had some crazy AOE going on, but it took a bit of time to burn Meredith down. Hardcore old lady knights ftw and all.
I was terribly amused. I chose the mages. Mainly because, yeah, Anders was THERE REALLY ARE NO WORDS and all, but he didn't speak for the mages of Kirkwall, and Meredith was just not being at all cool. Which I can somewhat understand considering, but I was a mage. A mage who didn't know Orsino was doing blood magic. I was annoyed that I got the First Enchanter's staff so late. Walking Bomb on random things I hit would've been amazing like a couple chapters ago. Anyway, I was amused because Fenris was like "fuck this" and left me because I sided with the mages. Aveline, despite I think kind of disagreeing with me, stuck around. Later on when I met Fenris, I was basically like "Come, pal. We're friends. Fight with me! Pretty please!" And he was just like "...okay. idk sorry, human." Oh, Fenris. We never did get to have hatesex.
Must say though. That first song in the credits. Worst. Ending. Song. Ever. The lyrics were fine, but it sounded like a coyote was dying. My ears, they bleed.