I think I finally decided what to do with
feymarch! I figured since I've been all "OMG I WANT TO ROLEPLAY" lately but haven't been online as much as I'd like, I might make up a muse box! I can do little scenes with people who are interested and maybe work my way back into the online roleplaying scene. I haven't done a thing with it yet, but I'll probably work on it when I have some free time.
...like now. Since I can't sleep ever.
Glee was awesome, but there was this surprisingly hilarious show on after it called Raising Hope. Both made me happy, but I really don't much feel like going on about them right now. Oh, and I'm re-watching the first season of Heroes, but it's kind of working against me because I remember how amazing that show used to be. And how the writers destroyed so many of my favorite characters. And then gave me hope that they were turning things around! And then destroyed that hope again.