It's no secret that I've gained quite a bit of weight. I'm working on losing it right now, but obviously that isn't going to be an over night thing. My diet is holding up, and if I just manage to get myself exercising more frequently, I think I could really be successful
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Now, like continuum said, the key is to try things on. It's not really a matter of making sure things "fit and that's it" so much as it's to make sure it fits your body in the right way - that is, being flattering and hiding what you don't want shown while showing off what you do.
I don't really have any suggestions for stores. I kind of collect things from all around. My favorite shirt so far is a loose, almost dressy-looking brown shirt I got at JC Penney. Fashion Bug (if you even have one... I don't know where you're from lol) usually has some pretty nice things for plus size women, but beware, their prices can be somewhat high. However, one thing that fits you the right way and you like it is better than something that doesn't and you don't.
Aside from the clothing thing, I'm with you on the whole trying to lose weight thing. I used to be... well, I was never small, I've always been full figure, but I was a little more shapely - curvy, if you will - until my left knee I messed up years back in a trampoline incident started acting up and made my usual walking routine almost impossible. So I ended up inside all the time and put on weight. So now my challenge is twofold: finding clothing to fit me in a way that doesn't make me look like a fat slob, while still looking my age... and trying to find exercises that won't agitate my knee too much so that I can be active like I want but not have to suffer pain or the damn thing locking up like it sometimes does. So yeah, ugh.
All in all, just don't give up, and don't be discouraged by slip-ups because they will happen and it's best to just accept them and then move on with your goal. And I don't just mean the weight loss... I also mean the clothes-shopping. You will come across places that don't have anything you like, but don't get discouraged, because you will eventually find someplace with stuff that you like. :D
As for the sketch, ah, wow, the lines are so clean and flow well. :D
I'm the same. I've always been curvier, but I lost my job and got depressed and had all kinds of life stressers and issues. It's really not as good of a reason as yours, but it's what happened. I have no good excuse for not exercising much. I just really loathe breathing heavily and sweating and panting, and I'll be honest. I'm not satisfied with my appearance and feel self conscious jogging around the block or something.
Thanks! I've already had a few. I hate trying stuff on right now, so I grab what looks to be a decent, plain shirt and go. Only to find later that it doesn't fit right. I just need to bite the bullet, buckle down, and go in the dressing room.
And thanks again! It's awful phone quality, but I'm thinking of coloring it for him. I just got a bunch of my old art supplies from when I lived with my parents.
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