less angst more dragons

Nov 16, 2009 08:51

What? It's close enough to Charlie? Emma is just as cute.

I can't stop playing Dragon Age. I was thoroughly disappointed to find that I didn't get a cheesy 90's movie sex montage when my manslut beloved Alistair and I slept with the Duelist in Denerim. I only did it for the cheesy sex montage. Upon not receiving this, I promptly reloaded and played the woman's game to unlock her class. If I'm not going to at least be rewarded with borderline Skinimax foreplay, I'm not going to be all freaky with anyone but Alistair.

Did I mention I love Alistair? Because I do. I want him to have stuttering, adorable, awkward love babies with me. Next play through, I may woo the bisexual elf assassin. He entertains me as well. Or perhaps my next character will be all freaky like that and sleep with, like, everyone she possibly can.

...yes. These Bioware games really are just like dating sims to me instead of RPGs.

dragon age, charlie is adorable, emma is also adorable

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