So, after spending the night working on altering a pre-written history I have for her, I've decided on apping Aerith at
damned next cycle. I know, I know. You were all totally holding your breath in anticipation. As much as I miss River and love the other options, I think picking someone I'm very comfortable with is a good choice when it comes to potentially jumping back into a world I haven't been in since... I don't even remember when. I just know it's been a very long time. I've even got the personality section in the bag too! This is the most productive I've been in a loooong time.
And by productive, I mean successful in the make believe world of RP and not so much in real life. I've been deathly ill for the past few days and am currently doped up on all kinds of medication in real life. I'm going to bundle up tomorrow, regardless of health, and go walking around looking for jobs in the area. At the very least, I'll be getting some exercise, and at the best? I'll have applications in for a few, prospective jobs.