Apr 29, 2005 03:48
Did you know that both Canada and the United States have, since colonial times, been actively involved in a campaign to erase Indigenous peoples? Both countries have done everything in their powers to either assimilate or annihilate the first Americans. In Canada, Indigenous people are, by law, not allowed to determine who is a tribal member and who isn't. If an Indian marries someone who isn't an Indian the Canadian government considers both to be non-Indian and the Indian loses all rights as a Native American including the right to live on the Reserve.
In the United States, although each tribe may choose its own criteria for membership, the government can decide to 'terminate' any tribe it sees fit to and no longer consider them Indians. They can also take "back" any Indian land any time they decide to do so. Out of the 1000+ tribes in the U.S., the government only 'recognizes' 510 of them.
In neither country are Native Americans allowed the freedom of religion that non-Natives enjoy.
The vast majority of the tribes in both the U.S. and Canada are in a struggle to regain their native languages which they have all but lost through the machinations of the respective governments. In efforts to 'assimilate' Natives several generations of children were forcibly removed from their own people and placed in boarding schools in which they were not allowed to speak their native tongues. Others were adopted out (despite living parents) to white families to be raised without any knowledge of their heritage. Although this is no longer being done the loss of culture has been devastating.
This is just a sample...the subject is vast and it would take more time than I have to put all of it down. Check out www.uga.edu/inas. There are links to other places you can get more information if you're so inclined.