(no subject)

Nov 29, 2004 18:37

So Wednesday was entertaining. I spent 8 hours in retail hell gearing up for black friday...Got home and Gabe, Jeff, Lindsey, Robbie, and I decided to go to the Mag bar to let of some steam. I planned on having an pretty low profile night..Just hanging out having a drink or two and then maybe ending the night with a sack of 10 from white castle. Well when we all showed up at the Mag Bar it was packed and of course Big head was there. According to lindsey big head has been running her mouth about getting freaky with Jeff. SHOCKER!! So anyways, Lindsay buys me some shot and decides that we are going to get in a fight. So we both get Liquored up. We start egging each other on. So lindsey and I and a few other girls walk up to the front of the bar where humongous noggin was, and we begin tormenting the girl..Then big head runs in the back and sits down, so lindsey and I walk up to the booth where she is sitting and Lindsey is like "So I hear you want to fuck my boyfriend." SO the big head replies "Who is your boyfriend?" Then Lindsey gets ghetto on her ass! (LOVE IT!) "Bitch you know who my fucking boyfriend is blah blah blah!" Then the huge head gets up and as she does Lindsey hawks up something awful from the bowls of her lungs and spits it all over big heads face. PRICELESS!!! Then big head runs to one of the bartenders and ...Now get this...STARTS CRYING. Now this was no sob this was like..When you were a kid cry and your momma spanked the shit out of you cry. So about this time we figure we had done enough damage and we all decided to move it along to Cahoots. Danny comes out and is like dude this is a neutral zone and he is kinda half laughing at the whole situation. He tells us to come back in and have some more drinks then we explained we had planed on leaving anyway. So we all went to cahoots Lindsey puked and we all went home. The end..
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