Mar 09, 2004 17:11
Okay. So I've been busy for a week or so. What's strange is, out of all the busyness, there wasn't anything happening that was exciting enough to post.
It's been almost two weeks since my last cigarette. Of course, I feel good about my decision not to smoke, but I'm still definitely having my moments.
Like today, I was just watching the news, all psyched that they're performing gay marriages two towns over from where I live. I'm all proud to live in one of the most progressive counties in the state, happy that things are going in this direction. Then they report that the NJ state attorney general sent a letter to Asbury Park telling the city to stop issuing homosexual marriage licenses. And that gets me all pissed of. I'm really passionate about this because I believe it's definitely a civil rights issue. I mean, what the fuck, it's so hard nowadays to find someone to commit yourself fully to, and when two people do actually find true love, who gives a shit whether it's two males or two females? Love doesn't discriminate. All the gay people I know pay taxes and vote, so why shouldn't they be allowed the same rights as me? But I'm getting off track here.
Then the news showed some protester dude carrying a sign that said "Freak Show", shouting that gays were second-class citizens, and God Bless President Bush. And I get even more pissed off. I have a gay relative, and he's certainly not a "second-class citizen". He's actually really awesome company. I was fourteen when his partner passed on, but if he were around today...please, they would have flown to San Francisco, gotten married, and came home a month ago. Anyway, as I'm watching this, getting pissed, yelling shit at my TV screen, I thought a funny would it be to drive down to Asbury tomorrow, in my nicotine-less state, and get in a yelling match with the dude? I know I could get agitated enough to punch and kick things. I cracked myself up with what would happen to the poor guy if I were unleashed on him, all fiending and shit. Well, I thought it was funny.
Other than that, life goes on for me. Lizards are doing well. I really want nicer weather to come soon. I really need to wash my car. See, there's a little cardinal and a little blue jay that like to chill out on my car's rearview mirrors. The first time I saw it, I was all tickled by it. But now, I've recently noticed that there's shit all over my car! (Ever since I saw Dumb and Dumberer, I've been waiting to use that line!!) Seriously, both my front car doors are covered in bird shit. And it looks horrible.