Jan 04, 2006 19:40
I know I'll sound like an arrogant ass...
but gattdamn!
I hate the whole "it's cool to be a Misfits fan" thing!
You all know that one shirt I have... it's got the huge skull on the front and the Misfits logo on the back.
all those tarded Wal-Mart kids and Hot Topic trendies go out and fucking buy it cuz it looks cool
"Ohmigod! It has a SKULL on it!"
and it ain't like they don't know what it is
it has MISFITS printed on the back
I could understand if it was just a skull
but one of my friend's little sisters came to school with the shirt on today
she bought it because it had blood, and a skull on it
And she tells ME it's cuz she likes the band
and so I go -
"Name a song." I was pissed, I knew she was BSing me.
"Say what?!?!"
"That's the name of the song. Hello."
Now I don't know how many of you guys listen to The Misfits...
but if you do
you know they never made a song called "Hello"
either she's misinformed
or just full of it
Just wish they weren't my favorite band
wouldn't mind so much then