July 2018 Monthly Entry

Jul 19, 2018 21:56

It was cherry season around here and my folks harvested a lot off the trees in our backyard. I think that's the last of them but I got to enjoy them for over a couple of weeks. It's still currently blueberry season so I'm enjoying that more now. Usually, blueberries arrive around late July and into August in the Lower Mainland of BC.

A few upcoming travels to mention. My first is Redmond, WA for the Knights of Mantra Jet Chapter's "Campout" weekend at the Longhouse this weekend. This will be my first Campout weekend with the Seattle Knights ever, and after 13 years since our own Campout weekend here. The second trip will be Dore Alley in SF again for July 27-30. Daddy Eric will be joining me again too! I'm trying to get a third person to share our hotel room with but to no avail... Finally, I'm visiting Comox Valley on Vancouver Island from August 3-6 to see one of my best (straight) friends since first grade. We haven't seen each other for almost a decade and since he has time off, it would be a perfect opportunity to visit. I may even get a visit from a local Leatherdaddy too! I'll be skipping Vancouver Pride this year for the first time but no big deal. The Knights will not be in the parade this year anyways. I'll write up about my trips afterwards.

A Happy (belated) Canada Day to my fellow Canadian bears and Daddies and also Happy (again, belated) Independence Day to all my friends in the US. Last Friday, I noticed Tim Horton's had Canada Day strawberry jelly-filled longjohns so I picked one up.

The summer scrub of 2018 has started and it hasn't been too bad. I spend most days at Montecito but Fridays I go to another school to help out. My day guy, Ash, is taking all Fridays (and now, Mondays too) off as vacation time and will be gone for most of August. Instead of having me work on my own, I'll be sent to help out at another school. I'd say we're be about halfway done the school but next week we'll be at least 75% done for sure. We spent a day -on request of the principal- to help clean out the basement and the boys/girls change rooms. It slowed us down but that's all over with. The two other schools I worked at were Gilmore and Sperling. Things will be changed up in August, especially after our school gets done. I hate the afternoon commute home... a couple times I almost fell asleep at the wheel because of slow, rush-hour traffic. Morning commute isn't too bad but I still hate waking up early.

The weather has been very warm and mostly sunny though recently, we had some overcast days to keep the sun mostly at bay. The nights are still warm that I pretty much sleep without a blanket at first. Even then, it's hard to sleep in general due to the different sleep schedule and temperature.

July 17th would have been David's 70th birthday if he was still around. I'm sure we would have went some place to eat for dinner where we could indulge and have a great dessert too. I visited his burial after work to wish him a Happy 70th and when I arrived at the Jewish section of the cemetery, I noticed his plot now has a headstone! The Jewish Community Centre in Coquitlam he was a part of ending up paying and donating it! I was nearly moved to tears and was so grateful that they did this for David! I'm not sure when it was installed since the last time I visited his plot was last year on the 1st anniversary of his passing. I plan to write a letter to Burquest, the community centre, thanking them for doing this as it brings more closure. Happy 70th Birthday, Avi! I miss you!

On Netflix I watched Logan a few weeks ago - the final movie based on actor Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine. Definitely considered the more mature and (somewhat) hardcore X-Men film. I actually liked it, especially the scenes between Logan and Xavier which carry the emotional weight. The movie takes place in the split timeline after Days of Future Past in which mutants are mostly extinct. Xavier is 90 years old and suffers from a brain disease which affects his telepathic powers that he can slowly kill those near him. Logan and Caliban take care of him as they keep him contained though the seizures are controlled by drugs. Logan works as a limo driver in Texas while his comrades are hiding out in Mexico. From the very beginning, we see the aged Logan struggle as his powers are fading with age: he no longer has the speed and endurance he had years prior, and his healing factor is barely helping him. A woman desperate for his help wants him to take this girl, Laura, to North Dakota to a site called "Eden" where she will meet other mutant children like her who grew up in Transigen, a facility which these children were subjected to abuse and testing. They were given mutant DNA but because they were difficult to control, they were to be killed but some compassionate nurses helped sneak them out. Laura was based on Logan's DNA and has the same healing powers as him, though only her claws are coated with adamantium and not the whole body. Unlike Logan who has three claws in his hands, Laura has two but she has a single claw in her feet that she can use in combat. It is revealed that she is technically his daughter but Logan has problems bonding with her, given the current situation: his body slowly failing him and all the friends he knew and loved are no longer in his life, and her upbringing outside the real world. Xavier is friendly toward her as his telepathy is able to communicate with her easily compared to Logan. Transigen is after her so they send in Donald Pierce and the Reavers for her capture. While slow, the movie is probably the most emotional of all the X-Men films given it is essentially a goodbye to two characters who have been with us since the beginning in 2000's X-Men.

To see the Sibling Rivalry review go here or below:

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A couple weeks ago I saw Deadpool 2 in theatres. They didn't have it in 3D but it wasn't a big deal, though it would have been nice. I've only seen the first Deadpool in theatres but I remember most of the plot and characters. I enjoyed this sequel and I found this movie to be slightly better. Besides the laughs, it has one of Marvel's best and woofiest villains: Juggernaut! YES!!! I didn't expect he would return anytime soon after the third X-Men movie. His portrayal isn't bad (Ryan Reynolds did his voice) and I'm hoping he'll be back in more movies! The returning characters were great and I do like the new ones. There isn't much connection to the first movie but it starts off with the death of Vanessa, Wade's crazy but awesome love interest. He ends up joining the X-Men as a way of "healing" but ends up in jail after killing a "Mutant Reeducation Center" worker after he finds that the worker was abusing pyrotechnic teenage mutant, Russell Collins (Firefist). Collins ends up in jail with Wade also and they are put in a section of the prison for mutant prisoners. All of them wear collars that suppress their powers. Meanwhile, the mutant Cable arrives from the future to the present to kill Collins because an adult-Collins murders Cable's family - likely due to the events from the prison that influence him to disregard innocent life. Wade has to stop Cable from killing Collins while showing Collins that violence isn't the way to numb his personal pain (Wade is the exception LOL!).

To see the Sibling Rivalry review go here or below:

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For Spoilers Corner, go here or below:

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I just started Super Mario Galaxy so that'll take awhile. I made some progress in New Super Mario Bros. 2 so it should be done soon.

Last Movie: Deadpool 2 (Theatrical), Logan (Netflix)

Last Book: The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics - Mere Christianity

Last Game: GoldenEye 007 (Wii)

Current Book: The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics - The Screwtape Letters

Current Games: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) & New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS)

deadpool, personal, movies, marvel, monthly, review, x-men

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