May 2017 Monthly Entry

Jun 08, 2017 22:20

The weather is nice and sunny and practically at summer temperatures lately. All trees across the region now have their leaves out. The nights are still cool but I'm finding that the earlier sunrise has become a problem for me as it seems to make sleeping difficult. Not sure why it is, but I guess it's because I've become more sensitive to the sun now.

After emptying the electrical and maintenance closets, I'm now trying to adjust to life at my day job of not having my supplies close to me. I can tell you right now - it sucks monkey fuck! Having to go back and forth more times during the day means wasting precious minutes that could be going to projects. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do, it seems almost unprecedented: my workplace started out okay years ago and then slowly get harder and more difficult because these "forces" get in my way. Besides the recent actions of my manager, and on occasion the strata, the City has recently become an irritating hair up my ass. After a number of years, they have changed the weekly days of recycling on the property. Ideally, Tuesdays was for recycling, and Wednesdays was for the collection of the food scraps that started last year in early spring. Now they changed it to both of them Mondays and instead of coming in the morning to empty them, the recycling bins are emptied sometime after noon and the food scraps may get emptied after I leave when my shift ends. The folks that we hire to take out the recycling and garbage bins, don't sort through the recycling on Monday morning before they take it out which means whatever was thrown into the recycling bins that shouldn't be in, are left in and I'm left having to sort through the recycling outside with no garbage bins around to chuck out the prohibited recycling items. Recycling day used to be on Tuesdays the same day as the garbage bins are taken out. Food scraps were taken on Wednesdays before noon. Cardboard bins are still taken out on Wednesdays and garbage bins are still taken out on Tuesdays and Fridays so those haven't changed. But this new schedule for both the recycling and food scraps has made things worse and I haven't figured out a way to work with it.

After Damian’s passing, there is some good news to mention. For two Sunday afternoons this month, Wayne T. and I were given access to Damian’s apartment and we now have the Knights archives in our possession. I drove all the way from Langley both times for this but it was worth it. The first Sunday was in Damian’s bedroom in which we went through Damian’s VHS collection while Damian's sister and niece went through his pictures. We found a few VHS tapes related to the Knights and then Wayne stumbled upon Damian’s VHS porn collection ( as I mentioned last month, his sister destroyed his DVD porn collection). As the sister and niece were immersed in the pictures, we quickly stashed the VHSs into a bag without them noticing. We also got Damian’s leather gear and a collection of his pins too. So, the first afternoon was a good start to getting the important stuff out of Damian’s apartment. The second Sunday had the sister's boyfriend only and it was only to get into Damian’s storage locker. A neighbour of Damian’s let us into the locker room - bless her! The boyfriend cut the lock off his locker and Wayne and I spent over an hour going through every single box. Wayne would check the boxes and we would put aside the ones that were Knights-related. Damian certainly had a lot of Christmas decorations! By the end of all this, Wayne has sorted through a lot of Damian’s Knights possessions and leather. There is no guarantee that we got everything but we should be grateful we got probably the vast majority of what Damian would have wanted us to have. I'm glad Damian's sister did the right thing in this regard though it is likely she may have had certain things of Damian's thrown out instead of given to us. But it's over and Wayne can get on with his life.

I didn't do anything on May 16, the 16th Anniversary of leaving my folks and meeting David. As I was working throughout that day, I had thoughts of what life would be like today if David didn't place that phone call and I didn't leave home. In fact, what if I didn't become a part of David's leather household at all. So many scenarios in this alternative reality that I was chatting with Kevin from Fresno about it. It may be unlikely I would have joined the Knights at all and he and I would never have known each other. I contemplated how miserable my life would be still living under my folks' rule and not being out in the community. I'm sure I would free myself from my parents when I had the money or a situation presented itself in a different manner but it would likely take at least a few years. I honestly kind of doubt I would live that long... the living situation was unbearable before and may have continued torturing me emotionally and spiritually that suicide would be my only option. With no one like David and Kevin to take me in, I would have few options. No internet meant little access to the outside world of bear and leather buddies to lean on. But such thoughts mean nothing now... David kept his word of making that phone call to me that early afternoon and it changed everything for me that day forward.

I was in Calgary for May 20-22 to visit Daddy Scott and take him to the "Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy" concert. I once again took Abbotsford International Airport and my father dropped me off. I was about an hour away from my flight but it certainly took awhile to check my bags with WestJet. Security took about 5 minutes and after I was done, I bought the last bottle of vanilla coke from a vendor. My flight left for Edmonton on time at 9am. I just had a small bag I borrowed from my mom and had my laptop in the luggage so I did nothing but listen to music and dose off on the flight. My transfer in Edmonton wasn't long so I was in Calgary about 1pm from what I remember. I texted Daddy Scott that I arrived and he said that he was already on his way. After I grabbed my luggage, I went outside the airport and it wasn't long for Daddy Scott to arrive. Prior to picking me up he had been playing chauffeur for other friends and boys throughout the morning. He took me back to his place and it was just the two of us. Ben would not be joining us for the whole weekend as he is currently living in Lethbridge. After settling down for a while, we had dinner at a noodle house that was next door to The Center (the new dungeon space that opened last September). If I remember correctly, Daddy Scott had a beef soup while I had a chicken and mushroom soup plus we split on the beef brisket buns. I paid for the meal and it was pretty delicious. Daddy Scott then drove over to where tonight's bear dance party was going to be at. The Fellowship of Alberta Bears were having a major weekend though this would be the only event that we would go to. We were early so we went to a nearby Dairy Queen. I forgot what Daddy Scott ordered - I think a buster bar - while I had a small Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 blizzard with brownie and cookie bits. A friend of Daddy Scott came and joined us. After he left, we then left shortly to go to the dance party. It took place in an old opera house though it looked like a former church. Daddy Scott and I paid our way in separately and browsed around. We were still pretty early so not that many bears have arrived. They even created a dark back room with condoms and lube I guess for those bears looking for action. I purchased non-alcoholic drink tickets for us which kept us hydrated for the night. It was a toga themed dance party and while there were many handsome bears, as usual I was barely cruised. Daddy Scott introduced me to a number of bear buddies which was nice of him. There was this one big bear that seemed to acknowledge me and I did to him but I would later find out that it was someone I was corresponding with in the past on BiggerCity! Shit! I can't say how many bears there were by the time we left but I'll say around 200. We left sometime after 10 or 11pm and went home. I would sleep in Daddy's bed tonight though it would prove difficult given my change in sleep pattern and just trying to get comfortable.

Daddy Scott got up before I did as he had to run an errand so I stayed in bed to sleep in. After he came back later, he proceeded to fuck me raw. I was again too tight for him but nonetheless loved the experience. I would feel my forced stretched hole for the rest of the week LOL! We spent most of the day watching Netflix - specificallly Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - and Youtube videos. I did a few episodes of the Nostalgia Critic: reviews of Pearl Harbor, Old vs. New: Cinderella, and the Top 11 Dumbest Lord of the Rings Moments.  Before we could go to the concert that night, I had Daddy Scott watch about 4 parts of the Gametrailers Final Fantasy Retrospective from a decade ago. He's never played the games so had to give him an education as to what I was taking him to. We left at 6pm for the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. We got there in nearly half an hour and after paid parking, we waited outside the main entrance for Ben - a friend of Scott's and was the third person using the ticket I got for the other Ben originally. We went inside and I bought Daddy Scott a drink and one myself as we were kind of dehydrated. There was a long lineup for merchandise and thought I would try checking it out later. There were also a small handful of cosplayers: Lightning, Noctis, etc. We found our seats N 39-41 and I chose very well! I sat in N 39. After the first set, I quickly went to the merchandise table and found a lineup already. It took about 5 minutes to get to the table. The only new merchandise were plushies but they were sold out. I bought a couple of "Distant Worlds" t-shirts: one for my younger sister and one for myself that I wanted to wear this time, and a art/program book. Daddy Scott was with me and once I paid for everything, I handed the book to him as a gift and he thanked me. 5 minutes until the second set, we returned to our seats.

My next entry I'll talk about the concert and songs played.

When the concert was over, we waited outside for friends of Scott, including some of them bears, to come by outside in the hall. One of them remembered me from my last Calgary visit (I forgot his name though). In the end, Ben thanked me and said goodbye to us and the friend who knew me joined us for the rest of the night. We were debating supper and decided on Popeye's as I never been to one before. Daddy Scott and his friend was all for it as they prefer it over KFC. The location was in Calgary's ghetto with lots of immigrant families. When we arrived it was packed... with overwhelmingly Muslim families! Shit, I was paranoid as Daddy Scott was wearing his kippah so I was acting like a body guard for him. We managed to get a booth despite the mix of muslims, asians, and a few caucasions. I got a cajun chicken sandwich, cajun style fries and beans as my sides, a root bear to drink, and a couple of strawberry cheesecake turnover pies. For my first visit, it was all pretty damn good. We then returned home and Scott's friend went up to sleep in the spare bedroom. Daddy and I watched some episodes of the original X-Men cartoon on Netflix before going to bed. Because of my snoring the previous night, I had to sleep in Ben's bed that night. It was okay as I managed to sleep a little better.

I slept in a bit and was hoping for some kind of "round two" with Daddy but he stayed downstairs the whole time watching Netflix with his friend. I eventually got up and had my shower. I packed my stuff and brought everything downstairs and Daddy Scott already had pancakes waiting for me. His pancakes were good but the butter was salted so I had to drink the previous night's large root beer I still had. We were watching Mrs. Brown's Boys until Daddy Scott had to take me back to the airport. I said goodbye to his friend and we were off. He managed to get me to the airport just under 2 hours before my flight. We said our last goodbyes and thanked him for hosting me all weekend. After he left, I dropped off my luggage as I did online check-in beforehand. Security was a 15 minute lineup for some reason! After security I walked to my gate and I bought a bottle of water nearby. After sitting down and drinking it all, I got back up and bought another but different brand. My direct flight to Abbotsford was on time but I was seated in the middle. Not a big deal given the flight was just over an hour. But I had a problem on descent... the air pressure didn't equalize properly in my ears and there was blockage in my ears taking about 25% of my hearing. Even to this day I still have it! Not sure when it will cure itself. Anyways back at Abbotsford, my father picked me up and we picked up some gas before home. I texted Daddy Scott sometime after I got home to let him know I made it home and thanked him again for a great weekend.

I haven't watched any movies lately but I plan to watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 and Wonder Woman in theatres. They will be reviewed of course and can't wait! I've had little time to work on my review of Star Trek: DS9 but I'll try to get it up before July.

Last Movie: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Theatrical 3D), Disney's Hercules (Blu-Ray)

Last Book: The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics - Mere Christianity

Last Game: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)

Current Book: The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics - The Screwtape Letters

Current Games: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD (Xbox 360) & Dragon Ball Origins 2 (DS) & Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2)

personal, alberta, monthly, bears, calgary, canada, vacation, events, gay

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