Title: Transitioning
Fandom: The Sentinel
Characters/Pairing: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Prompt: Miracle
Rating: PG
Summary: Caught between life and death
Blair was going to die. He was sure of it. There was no way in hell he was going to get out of this alive. Not when there was so much screaming and blood and he couldn't seem to make himself doing anything. He was working on automatic, doing what he had to but all he could think about was not passing out. There was a chance he'd already done it once, at the first hint of blood, his own and not hers. Maybe that was the truth of it. He could have dealt with hers, but when she clawed his arm, begging Blair to stay, then he'd started to feel dizzy.
The phone was pressed between his shoulder and his ear, long sodden curls in the way and making the voice on the other end low and muffled. He wanted to move and fix it, wanted to leap up and go running from the room. Instead he closed his eyes, trying desperately to practice the meditative zen breathing that he was trained with. Instead of long and deep breaths that reached to his soul, Blair was panting like an overweight dog lying on the porch after a six mile run in the middle of summer. And that was just about how he felt too.
Then his student was screaming again, his voice shrill and high and painful. He winced, desperate to fix things, to make it right. Anything to end her pain. Anything to end her screaming like a banshee on a moonless night. Yet he had no control over when it would all end for her, only being there to help her through it. Transition, that was what the tribes would call it. He was helping her transition from one life to the next.
It was those thoughts that had Blair when suddenly something round and wet and slimy touched his hand. He shrieked, she shrieked. A moment later, it's body still in the birth canal, the baby shrieked. It was a good sound, even if Blair's favorite pair of jeans were ruined.