Title: Nothing but lace
faycequevoudrasCharacter/Pairing/Group: Constable Maggie MacKenzie
Word Count: 510
Rating: PG
Summary: Maggie takes a fall on the ice
Disclaimer: I don't own Jessica Steen, Due South, or much of anything else.
A/N: Prompt: Soothing
"So uhmm, MacKenzie, how did this happen again?"
There was a lot of laughter in the other constable's voice, and it only made Maggie turn a deeper shade of red. He wasn't the first to ask since she'd come limping into the main hall, shivering and trying to ignore the looks she got for what she wore. Maggie knew she could only ignore them for so long before she was going to have to give a different answer than the oft repeated one that she suspected she'd be hearing in her sleep.
She tried her damnedest to ignore them, staring at the medic that knelt before her as he carefully wrapped her ankle tightly with a bandage. The heat of the room was starting to defrost the skin and muscle, and what had been a numb ache was quickly becoming a sharp pain that shot up through the bone. It wasn't broken, at least there was that, but sometimes a twist was worse than a break. Especially when it came to healing.
"I told you. I fell. Hit a patch of ice and fell." Her voice was cold, eyes narrowing to mere slits as she glared took her time leveling her harshest glare at those in the room. That glare didn't stop them from snickering, the mixture of polite behavior skewed with the knowledge that if they treated her differently than they would anyone else it was going to cause a bigger fight. That didn't mean they would outright laugh. Yet. Despite the American officer standing in the corner and grinning like the Cheshire cat, no one had yet confronted her about the biggest hole in the story she was telling. No one had gotten up the courage yet.
Maggie yanked the blanket tighter around her, neither shivering nor cold in the heated room. A few more wraps and she would risk another spill to get out of there and back to more private quarters. "What,' she finally demanded. "One of you have the balls to say it."
That demanded didn't bring laughter. Instead there was silence for a long time before the new recruit, young and clean shaven and looking downright sincere, cleared his throat. He stepped forward, hat in hand and a deep red shade that showed his true state of emotion. He stared back at her with wide eyes, meeting that dangerous glare without flinching.
"I was just curious, Constable,' he began, very formal and polite. "Do you always happen to be out on the ice in nothing but... I mean, I don't know the proper term for it but that dress seems to be nothing but lace and in that cold..."
Ray was laughing louder than anyone when Maggie grabbed the cane offered her and stormed back out into the snow. Laughing didn't stop him from making a move for the door. "I guess I better go follow her,' he said, zipping his coat back up and racing out into the snow after the woman that had fallen while sneaking out to see him.