Dec 14, 2007 09:52
I have been nursing this cold for two weeks now and I haven't been to the gym all week because I cough at night and it keeps me awake and now I'm coughing during the day. I felt like I was getting better, but then it took a turn for the worse Sunday night when my neighbors decided to be complete bastards and made noise until 5am. I called the leasing office around 4:30 and let them know I was still awake and made the attempt to ask them to STFU. Every week since we moved in I've complained about them because they make a tremendous amount of noise during the week when I'm trying to sleep. The people before us complained about them all the time too but they were kind of night owls too so I guess it wasn't as horrible for them as it is for us. Anyway, Sunday would have been it for them and they should have been evicted but I decided to give them another chance and the leasing office told me that the main guy who makes sure the rent gets paid and everything is going to evict two of the "4" people who live there. Now, the leasing ppl suspect that the neighbors who lived in the other apartment above us are living in the other one now illegally. Which would make 8 people living there. The reason they don't live in the other apartment is because the idiots managed to flood the whole kitchen and living room. The water damage was crazy, you can see it on our ceiling. It's fixed but it looks ugly.
So I'm giving them another chance and so far so good and of course, I can't seem to sleep well because of my damn cold. Last night I just drugged myself up and passed out but I still coughed a lot but not as frequent as the night before and I went straight back to sleep. I'm worried something is wrong with me because I don't remember ever being sick for this long. A week maybe but two weeks?!
In better news, it's less than a week now that I'll be picking up our puppy. I am so excited and I can't wait. My company just finshed the Speed Racer movie trailer and it looks really awesome. The concept of having Speed Racer be a live action movie isn't sitting that well with me, but it doesn't look like it's going to be horrible. Others seem to think it will suck though. I'm more concerned with the quality of the effects in the movie.
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and then it's off to Miles' company x-mas party. I'm excited to go and I hope it will be fun. Less than a week of work is left and I'll be on holiday until the 2nd of January. I can't wait to have this break, I really need it. I haven't had a relaxed week off from work in a long long time. The only time I've found myself without having to work for a week is when I had no job. Of course it was spent stressed out and worrying about money and this was almost 2 years ago. I'm sure the week will zoom by, but it will still be a week!