I'm going to see the Spice Girls tomorrow. Good-bye pride. lol
I can't believe it's that time of the year again. I actually have a crap ton of stuff that I have to do. I've never really been at a company that does a big Christmas party but this year, jesus christ. Saturday my office is doing our Christmas party and since we voted on not flying down to So Cal to join the main office, we decided to go to dinner Postrio in San Francisco and catch the Jersey Boys. Postrio I guess is this great expensive place in the city that belongs to Wolf Gang Puck. I dunno, half of the food on the menu I wouldn't go near but I'm willing to try it out since my co-workers have more refined tastes than I do.
Next weekend I get my hair done for Miles' company Christmas party at this fancy place in Napa. I still need to find a dress and I kinda did already but I want to drop a little weight before I think about getting this one I saw and looked almost awesome in at H&M. So far so good, just need another inch and I'm good. I hate being so broad up top. Then we have a building Christmas party on the 19th that is to last most of the afternoon into the evening at this place in near by.
Last night when we were decorating his parents tree, we found old letters to Santa his parents responded to as Santa Claus. It was so cute, Miles and I just looked at eachother and smiled. It was one of those moments where we thought the same thing and it was excitement for having little ones running around in a few years. Well more like 8 or 10 years lol. Children for us will be a wonderful thing but also bad. It will cause sooo many issues with my mom who wants to be the alpha female when it comes to them and I'm not having that. I disagree with her methods of raising children and her lack of respect for me. I finally flat out told her I don't want her babysitting, I'd rather have them in Day Care and she flipped out. She's still angry at me for it. Ah well. After Thanksgiving, I'm finding it hard it to feel sorry for her.
http://www.daybostonterriers.com/Pandalitter1.htm His name is Jordon on the puppy. It also says Congratulations Danielle, which is misspelled :\ that's been happening a lot lately. Either way, he's the cutest most perfect dog ever. I am so happy to be getting him in a couple of weeks! I will flood you all with pictures of him!