Anderson's appearance on Oprah's show...
Oprah: [Dispatches From The Edge] is so good. It is so good. Rarely does a book keep me up. Rarely. Rarely.
Anderson: I've never gotten an e-mail from Oprah [before] but she sent me this e-mail and I got it at like 1 [a.m.] in New York-you must have been in California-and you were saying how you were reading it and you really liked it. I was so excited I couldn't sleep that night. By 6 a.m., I was like, "Do you think she's finished it?"
Oprah: Anderson, this is so funny because I didn't want to make a pest of myself. But, didn't I e-mail you like three times?
Anderson: Four times actually. I have them framed on my wall now.
Oprah: At one point I said, "I have to just calm myself down and stop writing him." I thought, well, let me at least finish it before I write you again. [Dispatches from the Edge] is really, really, really excellent.
I didn't actually get to see it, because I have no clue what time or channel Oprah is on, but I found that incredible hilarious. I wonder if he *really* has those emails framed...