Jan 15, 2010 00:40
So, some of you know I was published on Modern Poly (yes, I am being a self-righteous asshole glorifying my two minutes of fame), and my next one is going to deal with my current relationship. It's nonsexual, but deeply intimate and profound. It's funny, because I feel a bit more poly than I have ever since doing Poly (granted my first poly relationships were just as giddy and exciting as this), but I will be writing about this one.
Jenna, whom I won't put her LJ username down unless she comments on this (she most likely will, and yes it's the same Jenna from the Celine Dion She Who Shall Not Be Named Incident), is my Faghag. That's kind of a title we put on proudly, and to be quite honest Jenna is the most intimate relationship I've ever had. She even has info on me my therapist doesn't even know (mostly because of embarrassment), I can talk to her on a level that supersedes any relationship in any context. I deeply love her, and she has said she loves me too. We care genuinely for each other, and Dana her husband is a hoot. I love him too, he is like a big giant teddy bear brother of mine. He jokes that I am using Jenna to get to him (so true /sarcasm), and actually does not mind. He took me seriously when I jokingly told Jenna to text him my request.
I honestly didn't expect my friendship with Jenna to turn out this way. I knew her briefly (we friended each other before my injury, I recall that) for the first few months, we started talking a lot and there were periods of not IMing just cause or being busy, but for the past year we've been in pretty constant communication. So we've basically known one another for almost two years now! She also remarks about how well we mesh together, and that previous friendships usually end for either of us because the other thinks we're jerks.
I like it. For quite a while I was assuming I would honestly never find someone who understood my brain, and there was Jenna. While she is poly and Dana's mono, I never really thought of a romantic relationship with Jenna. I think the goofiest romantic we've ever gotten is watch Ghost Adventures together on Netflix and IM each other responses like "OMG THAT EVP WAS SO SCARY!", etc. Yes, we're like a teen faghag queer duo straight from a more sexually explicit version of Glee.