I'd point that shit straight at the sky and shoot heaven on down for youuuuu

Apr 21, 2009 18:22

I wish it was this time last year. everything was so good then. today specifically. it's josh's birthday and we all got together and got him a fish and pizza and it was all so fun. it was a nice day too. it just rained today. I gave him his presents and then he went to the y. blah. sucks a little bit. last night I surprised him with a bday dinner at bertucci's and got a bunch of his friends to come but I feel like he didn't really like it. it should have been fun it's his eighteenth birthday. I wish it was better for him.

anyway this time last year was so good. everything was so tight knit and care free. things are going pretty okay right now but there are so many things that could be better. I don't care about school at all. I just don't care. no motivation, none. it's horrible. I just don't feel like doing anything, it's not me at all. and I just get in these moods. I wake up and all of the sudden the day is ruined. I don't know how it happens but it does. I don't know what's going on with me. blah.

saturday michelle and I are going to cali for the week I cannot wait. it's going to be so fun. we're getting our nails and toes done and all thatgood stuff I can't wait.

last weekend was the best weekend in a really really long time. friday I left school early with shelby and mollie and went to panera. had a dr's apptmt and then hung out with josh till work. afterwards graham michelle shan and caroline picked me up with lots of alcohol hahahah. we just drove around everywhere and met up with so many different people it was great. afterwards everyone went home so I hung out with graham and alex and we just had so much fun. saturday I picked up michelle and went to mollies to get ready for amy/krista/erin's sweet 16 with caroline shelby meghan and mollie. it was so fun. I brought a little flask it was so sneaky. so much dancing and craziness and careless fun it was great. there was a minimal amount of drama but what party doesnt have drama? afterwards I went to amy's with a bunch of people. slept there and got buds in the morning with everyone still in our clothes/hair/makeup from the night before it was so grimey. I drove amy's mom's car hahaha. all in all it was just a bunch of fun.

yesterday was 420 so me and caroline hung out with sticky pat and alex and of course celebrated. so cheesy but so worth it. hahaha. we all had so much fun. we went to the lacrosse game and it was wicked cold so me and caroline came back but then pat and alex called me back to get them cause they were cold so I did. hahah we just drove around and had fun.

I love all my friends so much they're the greatest and make me so happy.
if you're in my life stay foreverrrrrr iloveyaaaaaaa!
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