Sexcapades from the Model and the Adulterous Whore

May 20, 2007 16:15

Title: Sexcapades from the Model and the Adulterous Whore
Chapter: Four

Chapter Four

"Probably should." Addison said in reply to Izzie’s question. Her head was killing her, but what was worse was that she vaguely remembered what had happened the night before. From what she gathered from waking up in her underwear, she could only guess that Izzie slept next to her wearing similar apparel, as for what went on, she was clueless. That thought, oddly enough, brought a rather large smile to her face, apart from not remembering, it was the thought of a certain someone in her underwear that did. Izzie Stevens is your intern, your intern, she tried to reason with herself, but all the reasoning in the world didn’t stop her mind from reeling with all sorts of scenarios of what could of happened the night before, all of them making her smile even more.

"Yeah … we probably should." Izzie agreed, bringing Addison out of her somewhat dirty thoughts, and returned her smile with an even larger one.

"Well first of all … did we … you know …" Addison asked nervously and she could tell by the look on Izzie’s face that she was about two seconds away from laughing, only because of the way Addison felt the need to use her hands as a way of helping her explain what she was too embarrassed to ask.

"Have sex?" Izzie finished for her with a sly smile. She took a deep breath and then said, "Honestly? I really don’t know." And the distant look in her eyes confirmed that she was telling the truth, because she herself looked as if she was trying to piece everything together.

Were we really that drunk?

Addison was never one for drinking in the first place, she actually despised the way beer tasted on her tongue, but the way she was feeling, so alone on Valentine’s Day, she needed all the help she could get. It wasn’t her fault that she had a more than willing blonde, who also happened to feel what she was, to spend her night with … literally.

"I know there was kissing..." Addison recounted and her eyes bore into Izzie’s bed blankly as she forced herself to remember. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind, other then their kiss … among many others.

"Definite kissing." Izzie assured her with a nod, and it was then that Addison found her eyes drifting towards Izzie’s perfect lips. Lips that she had pressed against her own, lips she wanted to feel against hers then and there, but she held back the urge, as hard as that was.

"I remember that, only because you were right, it wasn’t weird. And that’s … well, weird, for me at least. And I’m not saying that it wasn’t weird for you, because it probably was… It’s just … I’ve never done that before. Not that I’m implying at all that you have, I mean you probably haven’t." Addison explained, although she knew it sounded more as if she were rambling. Okay so she was rambling. She never thought she’d see the day that she’d become a stuttering mess after sex, or what she thought might have been sex. Of course this is one situation in which she felt it fit her being a stuttering mess.

"I’ll have you know that I’ve never done that either, with the drinking and the kissing, and now I think I’m starting to remember some touching." Izzie said, though it sounded to Addison as if she was teasing her, but she still couldn’t be sure.

"Really? What else do you remember?" She asked, her voice coming off across more serious than she had wanted it to. Izzie, she could tell, was a little taken aback and she suddenly wished she hadn’t sounded so regretful.

But before Izzie had a chance at answering, there was a knock at the door. They both froze at the sound of Meredith’s voice. "Hey Iz, I just wanted to check up on you. I mean half of the refrigerator is cleaned out and there are bottles everywhere, and well George just said you were in your underwear, not that that’s a big surprise or anything, but you know, he’s George, and seeing you in your underwear, for him, is a big deal. So anyways, I was just wondering if you were alright."

Izzie, now fully clothed, turned to Addison and whispered, "What should I say?" Of all the questions to ask, Addison was sure this one held the most obvious answer.

"Not that I’m in here." She whispered back with a small amount of humor. After a few seconds the doorknob shook and Addison could only imagine how horror struck her face looked. "Tell her something." She whispered with urgency.

"Is there someone in there?" Meredith then asked after hearing a faint voice in the background, one that she knew wasn’t Izzie’s, although she was quite certain was female.

After a long sigh, Izzie pulled herself together and walked over to the door, leaving Addison to ask, "What are you doing?" Izzie looked at her and mouthed, "Relax." then opened the door ajar, so that only Izzie could be seen. "Alright, here’s the thing. You? Aren’t allowed to judge me."

Meredith smiled. "So there is someone in-"

Izzie held up a hand, interrupting her. "Zip it. Not allowed to judge me. You had your sexcapades, now let me have mine."

Sexcapades? Addison mouthed after the words left Izzie’s mouth. Is this what this is? She could say she was a little hurt, but in truth, she was somewhat flattered.

Outside the door, Meredith looked hurt for a moment and then asked, "Sexcapades? I never-"

"Oh-ho yes you did Meredith Grey. George can back me up on that one. So are we clear? No judging?" Izzie paused to hear Meredith’s answer.

"Okay." Meredith replied shortly after, meanwhile trying to get a good look into her room, but to her dismay Izzie’s body was blocking her view. "So, who is he?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Izzie’s face suddenly fell. "He?" She looked awkwardly inside the room and then back at Meredith. "Is a very good kisser. And that is all I’m giving you right now." Inside the room, Addison couldn’t help but smile at that, agreeing with her implicitly.

Respectfully, and shocking to Addison, Meredith simply nodded and said, "Okay, well do you need a ride to work?"

"No!" Izzie said suddenly, causing Meredith to jump a little. "I mean no. I’m good, all good. I’ll just uh … meet you there."

"Alright, hurry up though. Bailey’s been on the warpath lately about people being late." And with that, she was gone, leaving Addison wondering how she was going to both get to work on time, and leave the house without the others seeing her.

After closing the door, Izzie sighed, ran a hand through her tangled hair and said, "Well that wasn’t at all awkward." And sarcasm was dripping with each word as she said it.

"Not at all." Addison replied using her own sarcasm with a shake of her head. "So … what are we going to do about getting to work?"

"You know, I think I’ve suddenly come down with something. Yep, you know what? My throat definitely feels a little sore. I think we should just call in." Izzie explained somewhat seriously as she brought up a hand to her throat and began to rub it.

"We huh?" Addison asked as a smile played delicately on the edge of her lips. She liked the sound of the word coming from Izzie’s lips. And Addison had to refrain herself, once again, from thinking about Izzie’s lips.

"Yeah it only makes sense, seeing how I kissed you, now you’re contagious." You think I’m contagious, Addison thought as she quietly took a deep breath in.

"Yeah that’ll be an interesting story to explain to the Chief." She said laughing a little as she tried to imagine the look on this face after hearing that Izzie had kissed her, making her fake-sick.

"True." Izzie agreed, laughing herself.

"So, you kissed me huh?" Addison asked as her smile grew. Nothing gets past Addison Montgomery. And though she thought that she was the kissee, instead of the kisser, hearing the words leave Izzie’s mouth only made her even more confident in what she was about to do.

"What? No." Izzie said defensively and then held up her hands as Addison started to walk towards her. "No I think you were the one that kissed me. I mean you were pretty drunk last night and-" Izzie was then quieted by Addison’s mouth suddenly crushing against hers.

"What are you doing?" Izzie asked with wide eyes, as they pulled apart.

"Setting us even." She replied assertively and once again captured Izzie’s lips.
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