Love Will Come Through

Jan 16, 2007 23:17

Title: Love Will Come Through
Pairing: Alex/Addison
Wordcount: 915

Second Chapter ... not a very good one though because I wrote it in about twenty minutes. Hope you guys find it somewhat enjoyable though.

Chapter Two

“Alex, are you going to eat those?” It was probably the second time she had asked him, but he still hadn’t responded.  He was too interested in the scene playing out before him.  Addison had been sitting alone for quite some time before Sloan decided to sit next to her.  Her face immediately fell when she laid eyes on him.

Alex had been trying to figure out what they were talking about before a hand suddenly waved him back to his own table.  Finally, he broke his gaze and looked into Izzie’s confused eyes.

“Hello, I’ve been trying to ask you if you were going to eat those” she pointed to his unopened bag of chips “for about five minutes, where were you?”

“No, I’m not going to eat them.” He said as he threw her the bag of chips.  She caught them and muttered a sarcastic, “Okay…” and opened the bag of chips.

Back at the other table Alex could tell that Addison was less than thrilled with the company next to her.  They were shouting at one another.  It was inaudible, but they were yelling at each other, Alex could tell by the hand gestures and expressions on their faces.  What puzzled him was why Sloan looked equally angry with Addison as she did him.

What the hell is he angry with her for?

He knew it shouldn’t bother him.  God, when the hell did it start bothering him?  He cursed this woman who started to make him care so much.  That was the thing, he did care, and when Sloan obviously told Addison to “go to hell”.  Alex wanted nothing more than to go over there and kick his ass.

“What are we looking at?” It was Christina who asked, as her and George joined the table.   Alex could feel their eyes on him, but he refused to look away.

“What’s with him?” Christina asked, pointing at Alex with her uneaten banana. Izzie merely shrugged and whispered, “I think he misses the gynie squad.”  He could hear both George and Christina laugh.

“Shut up.” Alex muttered as he finally broke his gaze and looked at the three of them.

“Seriously Alex, why are you so obsessed with Addison anyway?”  Izzie asked, but before Alex had a chance at answering, Meredith walked up and slammed her tray on the table.  “Do I snore?” She asked.  All of them were trying their best not to laugh, even Alex as he silently thanked Meredith and all her problems.


“Karev, where the hell have you been?  I had to get my own coffee this morning, not to mention I have two burn victims waiting for me.”

Alex bit his tongue back and simply nodded.  “Sorry sir.”  He paused a moment before asking, “Can I scrub in?” He hated the fact that his whole career laid in the hands of this arrogant jackass.

“No.  What you can do is find my cell phone for me.  I think I left it in one of the on-call rooms.”

“Mark.”  Both Alex and Sloan turned at the sound of her voice. “Do you think it’s possible you can actually teach your intern something other than how to find a cell phone in a huge hospital?”  Addison asked as she looked up from the chart she had been carrying.

Mark smiled in disbelief.  “You’re defending him?  You know what? Since you’re so intent on playing his guardian, you can have him for the day.”  With that, he walked away.

Both of them were left staring off in the direction Mark had taken off to.  “I guess you’re my intern for the day.” She said silently.

They both were silent for a minute before Alex spoke.  “I sorry, about last night.”  He hated bringing it up, but he knew that it was in both their minds.

She held up a hand.  “Don’t be.  I was the one that let the situation get out of hand.  So, I’m sorry.”  She pursed her lips and began looking over the chart in front of her.

Alex thought for a moment before saying, “I’m not.”

Her head snapped up at his confession.  “What?”

“Sorry.  I know I said I was, but … I’m not.  I wouldn’t have done anything differently.”

She seemed lost for words.  Her mouth hung open but the only thing that escaped was his name.  “Alex …” She shook her head, as if she was on the verge of breaking down.  She then looked in his eyes and he was right, she was on the verge, her tear stained eyes made it abundantly clear.  “I can’t do this right now.”

He took a step towards her and nodded.  “I know.  I don’t want to be one of those jerks that ruins your day, I don’t.  That’s why I’m only going to say this, meet me at Joe’s tonight, after work.”

“I …” She was about to object, but he stopped her before she had a chance to say no.

“Meet me at Joe’s and then let me take you to dinner.”

He had no idea where this courage was coming from; all he knew was that his mouth had taken over and was saying everything that his heart had wanted to.  And now, there was awkwardness.  He knew she would say no, her lips were forming the word, and now all she had to do was say it.

She took a shaky breath in and thought about her next words.

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