May 04, 2005 01:00
i haven't updated this thing in forever.
so, it's the end of the semester. which means late stressful nites studying and doing work even though you want to spend every waking second of the day you have with the friends that you have to leave for the summer. it's so depressing. this semester has rocked, i don't want it to end. i feel like i'm so much closer to everyone here and now i have to go like 3 and a half months without seeing the people that have been like my family for the past year. kristal is leaving. she's transferring to worcester state. and it sucks. i don't want her to leave. i'm gonna miss you wifey!! :0) and the bat!! hahaha
so another reason this semester can't end. graduation. my first 2 college roommate ever are graduating, it's going to be so sad! and Jen and ML are graduting and Matt P. too! :0( It's going to be so weird next year without Lauren and Jen and ML and Geraldine not in Habitat. i'm just not okay with that! haha so yeah, this semester, can never end. they have to stay here forever. :-\
aside from that, i'm still super stressed out/pissed off/worried about housing next year. every day i think about it and every day i wish i was living with sharon and kelly instead of 3 people i've never friggen met before. i'm really not looking forward to it. i wish things didn't get so fucked up and i wish more thinking went into the whole picking housing situation that nite of registration. but i guess there's nothing i can do about it right now except complain..which is getting me nowhere. so not only am i not living with 2 of the people i have been planning on living with since the beginning of last semester, ashley and i are stuck living so friggen far away from all of our friends. it sucks. :0( but at least i have my ashley to keep me sane :) i <3 you roomie!! i'm kind of excited though, because katie dickson is coming here next year and i get to have my own little freshman :-D i can't wait!! hehehe
i'm stressing out about this summer too. i have a job lined up on campus which is sick because i didn't have a job at home and i need to make tons of money this summer to pay off a year of bills that have been piling up, and i have plans of taking classes and living on campus and stuff, but it's all riding on financial aide once again and i just have this shitty feeling that i'm going to get screwed over and then i'm going to be out of a job, 2 classes, and i'm going to be stuck living at home. ugh, it's just so frustrating. nothing is ever easy. all i want to do is live on campus this summer and it's the most dificult friggen process ever.
the end of the semester is next week for me. which fucking sucks. next tuesday, i have a child psych final, a law final, half of a spanish final, and an accounting paper due. next thursday i have my accounting final and my macro final, and on friday i have the second part of my spanish final. and i have my extra credit assignment due for law sometime in there too. it friggen sucks. for once i wish my professors would have followed the finals schedule, instead of me having 3 finals and a paper due on the last day of classes (the 10th). grrr
in lighter news, i think i'm doing really well in all of my classes this semester. i haven't gotten a grade lower than a B on anything in any of my classes, so i'm wicked pumped. i just got a spanish quiz back today and i got a 98 on it and i think i did really well on the child psych test i had today. so that's good. hopefully my GPA goes up, and hopefully *if* i take my summer classes that horrible grade i got in Micro will go away and my GPA will go up even more! *prays for financial aide*
i'm going home on friday and i'm happy and not happy about it at the same time. i get to babysit alan all day/nite friday which is awesome(!!!!) because i'll make a butt-load of money to put towards getting my cell phone turned back on and i haven't seen that boy since before Christmas, but it's like the last weekend of the semester that everyone's going to be here and i'm going to miss half of it, which blows. i'm coming back to school early on saturday though to hang out with kristal because its her last weekend ever at umd :'( so hopefully it won't be too bad.
alright, well i'm just rambling on now. i need to go to bed because i'm grossie and need to get up to shower before work tomorrow morning :-\
p.s. jen, i figured out why i'm so at home here at umd. it's because like at home i have like a dunkin' donuts like right down the street, and like here, there's like a dunkin' donuts right down the yeah, that's why i feel at home here at umd. i <3 dunkin' donuts. hahaha i love you, and i'm going to miss you being a complete bitch and making fun of everyone next year! haha :0)