Dec 13, 2006 23:23
i dreamt and saw him over me bloodyknuckled recently noticed black rims
skewed over bleeding nose, i fell asleep with the gravel in my back and
i hoped for calm embrace in darkness, i saw morning light in your face
through newborn closed eyes the sunlight seemed like golden fog through
my mourning tears, you kissed my shattered face and my teeth dug into
the wounds on my bottom lip, you held my head to your stomach i felt
overwhelmed - massacre-riddled face, open rends, cradled by your perfect-
nailed fingers, contradiction in appearance, together in the soul of the
morning after,
god how he fucked me with those kitchen-burned hands while i
made time with reason-spew, sense eludes, fists connect,
i thank god and the burning ghats where my body belongs wreathed
in Sanscrit knowledge, i find myself staring at visions
behind eyelids, green rings and vines spelling words on a
pane of glass, chimes and electric buzz-
a sun risen highly, we are escaped from bloodstrewn roads, my head is
raised and i am working on perspiring gracefully, i wince as salt enters
meat, my hand sweats in yours we are excrementally bonded - i lick my
lips for moisture and taste leftover copper. reflecting,
He came like a skeleton from the dark house he is
bald-headed and Fetal i am enjoying your smile in
the flame wavering above a candle, He comes, a breeze
erasing fire - i am knocked from my feet my face
blends with rocks, red fireworks, i am turned up
and pummeled, you stand nearby crying,
i kiss the air.
i am washed and tended to scabs are forming and my eyes are open you
are gone and that sibling wearing black creeps to the door, i am
feeling disillusioned, my reflection seems absent my eyes stare lazily
at opposing corners of the square, the blackrobed deviant sleeps in the
bathtub waiting, i am aware and unaffected remaining hopeful her
sister waits outside, i grasp for straws and dream wakeful i understand
my purple woman and her Fetal lover they hide the world in work and
black-tie dinners, he spits in his hand and offers me a beautiful girl,
i am dejected in a 20degree parking lot with my back pressed against
a Chevrolet while he shoves placental lies down her throat, i
watch my feet --
my bath is full the woman is staring with black eyes
from underwater i disrobe awkwardly gaze briefly at body
cut by stone and lunge in she fades into me, bubbles escape
my hanging lip i look fishlike i can see Fetus and Love they are
gloriously infuriating,
i FUCK depression we live childless in a bunker
i kiss her and cry death, we observe through
skylights feet walking above unaware of us in
our blacklight, i live for warmth in your
cold hands the cradling embrace of a girl
with pink nails and white hands instead i am
huddled in sweat, shiver-wracked, dying alone
with my brain beating rhythm against my skull
cloth holds the arms strangling me, black shifts
to purple, my woman is with me now and we walk
standing straight over skylights and i'm
staring at the sun sweating into my smile.