what the crap?!

Apr 24, 2005 14:50

OK. here goes MY weekend.
friday: went to the jazz concert with jon, his dad, and his dad's girlfriend. it got pretty cold because i wore the skirt that i wore to school friday and the concert was outside at a park. but it was fun... jon and i ended up leaving early though. i came home at about 10.45... 15 past when i was SUPPOSE to be home... oops. summerlin parkway was closed so we got detoured and there was billions of people... which meant traffic. oh well. i got home and went to sleep at 11.
i woke up at 5 and got dressed and ate and whatnot. we left to amargosa a bit late because when i was getting home last night the phone rang and it was my dad's alarm company for work. (i tried to wake him up, but he didn't get up..) so he had to go check it out because last time they got robbed. this time a door was just left open...
so here we go.. driving to amargosa. we got there about 8ish. and unloaded stuff. once we did all that, we ate and then headed out on trails. it was fun... we did trails and stuff until i finally got my dad to take me out to the dunes. i went on my mom's quad because there was no way in hell my dirtbike was getting through the sand. i couldn't control it too well in soft dirt!! and i hit some in a wash we went into and almost ate shit, but i managed to keep the bike upright.. anyways, me and my dad went out to the dunes.... WOW.. it was so neat!! i loved it. so we came back and ate, trailed a bit more, then i got on the back of my mom's quad and bakc out to the dunes. i recorded it the whole, bumpy way there. it was neat! recorded my dad going up some steep hills and stuff.. it was neat.. so basically we went back and forth between the dunes and camp for a few more hours then it got dark... my mom wouldn't let us go back to the dunes, but said it would be ok if i rode around our camp for a while since her quad had lights. my dad followed me so i went on one of the rodes. i checked every once in a while to make sure he was still behind me, well one time i checked and he wasn't... so i got kinda scared. i waited for a little bit but still no dad... i was worried because he had been drinking a lot of the day and he had no helmet because we weren't going far or on any trails. so i kept waiting and i finally see his lights. so i sat on my brake so he could see the brake light and know were i was. then his lights went out again.. then he got up to me and his quad died. he told me i had to go back to camp and get some tie downs. that sucked because it was raining and i could barely see because one of the headlights were out on mom's quad. i finally got back, told my mom and got the ties. i went back and got my dad.. i drug him and his quad back. then we had to get everything out of the rain.. well, we got that done and i crashed at about 9.30... i woke up at about 7 then 8.30 and we were all sooooo sore. we made breakfast and put everything away and got ready to leave. oh man. i am so freaking sore! AND i got a sunburn.. ay.. so i am not doing too hot. my arms, legs and back hurt pretty bad, but it was worth it. i want to sell my dirtbike and get a quad instead.. i mean, i really really like the dirtbike, but i can't go on soft dirt trails and i can't go in the sand. so that's my plan.. we got home and cleaned up. i was soooooooo dirty!! this morning when i woke up there was sand all over my pillow and in my eyes and hair and all this! it was crazy!! there was dirt like imbedded into me! haha!!
but all in all, it was a fun weekend and i look forward to doing it again. next time, if we go before michelle's off grounding, i'm taking jon. my dad had me call him and tell him to "load his quad and get his ass out there," but he said no.. oh well. next time i'll bring him if he wants to go... and then michelle will be coming soon, too!!! i'd take everyone but 1) not enough room 2) not enough quads and 3) my dad doesn't know everyone.. he knows and trsuts michelle and jon.. sorry!! love you guyes anyways!
but my parents are yelling at me to start the DVD player because the don;t know how!! HAHA! i'm going to go watch meet the fockers! this movie's great.. byebye
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