An Adventure of Ladybird. HEAPS OF PHOTOS

Apr 01, 2006 23:04

On Saturdaythe 25th Ladybird went to the CD to hunt for a present for Lou


Patiently waiting for a bus with Liz.

Where does Lissieflick end and the pant flowers begin?!

Ladybird with Lou's wife on the train

The trains were down, so Ladybird got to catch a bus then a train
This stupid woman in a box

sat on ladybird. Lissieflick was innocently sitting in the middle of walkway went *SQUASH*. Evil Woman
Ladybird spend some good time in maccas

Lissieflick was trying to play hide and seek in Jens pocket.. you can see Lissieflick is new at this game..

Lissieflick we can see on Lizs head too!!

Ladybird is very good at looking wicked-cool in sunnies though!

Ladybird was successful to helping on the hunt for birthday presents

The beautiful Split Enz vinyl from Jen.

And the awesome Shins album from Xena.
Where did lissie flick find these wondeful gifts i hear you ask? Well none other than....


for Lou

On the train ride home .. we discovered a few things...
Naughty ladybird

Lissieflick is a drunk...

a light weight one at that.. Lissieflick passed out on Jen.

After that lovely day in the City, considering Lissie-Flick was successful on her hunt ... Lissie-Flick was allowed to go to Laurens house

Daniel really loves Ladybird..

Such concentration! ... like Lissie-flick needs more booze!

This is a glorious sequence

seemingly normal...

Jenni had too much ... Lauren was sharing a secret with Lissie-flick me thinks..

Jenni, just get straight back on that horse ...

What was she thinking???

*AMAZEMENT* oooooooo light!


Ladybird nearly got the hang of the Para Para. and tried really hard to fit in with daniel and caitlin

Lissieflcik is a social butterfly social ladybug

Lissieflick getting close and personal with Jonny

Ladybug like sneaking into photographs


oooooo Ladybird in myspace-type-pose

The next morning, we all awoke at a very early time. Went to hornsby and purchased some stuff...
Ladybug has a good taste in cds


Lamoo decided she wanted to bleach her hair.. and of course Ladybird was part of it all!

Lissieflick with Lamoo with non-bleached flat hair

Ladybird had an accident!!!!!!!!!
AHHHH call the ambulance! Lissie-flick inhaled too many fumes!

But of course Lissieflick is well enough to be in a few more photos... like with Lamoo with bleach in her hair.

and with Lauren and her SEXY SEXY gloves

Lissie-flick had a very busy, tiring weekend. But it was all worth it!
Until next time....

I know this is badly set out but its the best i can do with the amount of energy i have at this time.. damn puter i tried so hard to get this working!

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