Jan 02, 2007 06:35
ok, this is the abridged version, as close to in order as can be pieced together at this time
got to alex's
drunken dancing and such
saw old faces
saw older faces
everyone got really drunk
counted down
think i mighta kissed somebody...nto too sure though
spray champagne everywhere
random phone calls/texts
mark tried to crowdsurf on the lineup for the bathroom
people started puking
landlord showed up and party got shut down
i walked to somewhere around bathurst and stclair before my drunkeness got the best of me and i grabbed a cab and went home(sorry bowsky)
went to sleep, and woke up at 530 in the morning to drunk to get outta bed and couldnt fall back asleep til like 10
had a million texts when i woke up
and now for my resolution:
i guess it would to figure out what I want to do with myself. yea, theres a little more to that than just what i wanna do schoolwise or anyhting like that. it's more figure out what i want outta friends, relationships, and everyhitng like that. i wanna start doing things for myself, what i want to do. not saying that anybody stopped me from doing anyhting before...or at least not directly, or even knowingly, but there were many(or was it few, im not really sure, nor does it matter) things i didnt do out fo fear of what those close ot me would say or think.
no more, this is for me
...and it all comes down to this...
and i gotta say...2007WHAT!...sorry, had to be there for that one