Tutorial 6 | Lost

Jun 14, 2008 16:01

Tutorial 6 | Lost


1. Select your image, crop and resize to 100x100 pixels. Use Auto Levels on the image (CTRL+SHIFT+L).

2. Duplicate your base twice and set them both to SCREEN (100% opacity on first copy, 90% on second).

3. Duplicate the last screen layer and go to IMAGE > ADJUSTMENTS > COLOR BALANCE (or CTRL+B). Use these settings:

Midtones: 17, -26, 44

4. Change the opacity of that layer to 60%.

5. Open a new Color Fill Layer (LAYER > NEW FILL LAYER > SOLID COLOR) and set the Mode to EXCLUSION 100%. Use #085702 and hit OK.

6. Open a new Curves layer (LAYER > NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER > CURVES).

RGB: Input - 97, Output - 107; Input - 209 , Output - 247
Red: Input - 159, Output - 117; Input - 206, Output - 185
Green: Input - 72, Output - 1; Input - 93, Output - 45; Input - 173, Output - 195
Blue: Input - 93, Output - 29; Input - 150, Output - 88; Input - 236, Output - 213

7. Open a new Color Balance layer (LAYER > NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER > COLOR BALANCE). Make sure Preserve Luminosity is checked.

Midtones: 25, -7, -32
Shadows: -11, -40, -53
Highlights: -10, 7, 35

8. Open a new Selective Color layer (LAYER > NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER > SELECTIVE COLOR).

Red: -66, 0, 70, 0
Yellow: 20, 15, 41, 13
Magentas: 100, 80, 0, 5
Whites: 0, 0, 0, 100
Neutrals: 28, 0, 22, 20

9. Open a new Photo Filter layer (LAYER > NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER > PHOTO FILTER). Under USE, select FILTER. Choose DEEP YELLOW from the drop-down menu. Set the DENSITY to 25%. Make sure Preserve Luminosity is checked and hit OK. This step is not absolutely necessary.

10. That's it. Merge and you've got your coloring!

NOTE: Sometimes using the first step (AUTO LEVELS) will make your entire icon look radioactive. Make sure to play around with the opacities of all the screen layers to suit your tastes. On some of the examples, the final screen layer with the color balance edit is often the only screen layer, or it has the highest opacity of the screen layers. Also experiment with the auto levels option. Instead of using it right off the bat, duplicate your base and set that to screen and do the color balance. Then you can go back and use auto levels on the other base duplicates. Experimentation is the name of the game.

Questions, anything, don't hesitate to ask. If you'd like the .psd, please leave a comment.

Other tutorials, here.

Examples using the coloring:

psd, tutorial

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