i am the worst procrastinator/finally, here is a letter to my TSN Santa

Oct 16, 2011 19:48


But here we go!

Dear Santa,

I know you're really busy up at the North Pole and stuff but I really really really want a huge set of Legos. Can you bring me the kind to build Hogwarts out of? That would be so awesome!!!

Oh wait. Not that kind of santa.

Dear TSN Santa,

I hope this finds you well!

First of all, this is not a big deal. I don't want you to write me an epic (though it would be AMAZING if you did and I'd probably drop everything I'm doing at the time to sit there and read it cover to cover -- errr, first part to last part). Anything over 1,000 words is totally acceptable. I know this is kind of starting at a rough time if you're a college student like me. The story might even be due mid-finals for you and I would never want my gift to interfere with your grades. So I would totally understand if you can't churn out a fic the length of a big bang. It's absolutely acceptable.

This is what I posted on the site:

Things that you like to see in fic? videos? artwork/graphics? Mark/Eduardo, Andrew/Jesse. AUs! I love AUs. Especially ones based on movies. And high school AUs, which this fandom lacks. The more dramatic the better, and if there's a way to include betrayal without actually using facebook, I'd love it even more. Future fic, fix-it fic, Harvard-era fic, established relationship fic -- everything goes. As far as RPS goes, I think the best fics out there are the ones that don't treat Jesse like a vulnerable man. Neurotic, yes, but not so much that he's a total hermit.
Squicks or things that you dislike? Mark/Sean, Eduardo/Sean, gender switch, m-preg, extreme kink (I just can't do kink for some reason) or any BDSM stuff. I'm about as kink-less as one can go, so none of that, please! Not really a sci-fi fan, so there's that. No pre-slash either, by the way. At least not as an overall thing. I'd actually like the pairing to have a pay-off ;).

And that's really all that I can ask for. As long as it's Andrew/Jesse or Eduardo/Mark everything will be fine in this world. I wasn't kidding about Mark/Sean or Eduardo/Sean, by the way. :P

Umm, I don't think I have any more inputs here, actually. Obviously, I would really love an AU but canon fic is great. And, ha ha, fic too. Though if you do make a vid, I'll definitely watch it :)

Thanks so much, Santa! Feel free to comment here. Anonymous commenting is on!

-- Maria
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