Rowan Marlow's last school report

Aug 25, 2014 14:24

On consideration, I suspect school reports in those days (1947/1948) were yearly for the most part and that Rowan's report for the summer term of her year in Upper Va, just after she had taken her school certificate, was her last one. The format is based on the reports my parents received for me, thirty years later, although the Kingscote staff appear to write a little more. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost the table format when pasting from word!

Name: Rowan Marlow Form: Upper Va Age: 16 yrs 10 mths Average age of form: 16yrs 3mths
Subject reports
Effort grade -please note: 1= excellent, 2= good, 3= satisfactory, 4=poor
Subject Attainment Effort Comment
English Language Very good 1 Excellent work. Rowan will achieve well deserved success her School Certificate
English Literature Very good 1 Very Good indeed. Rowan is well read and her powers of analysis will help her to success in the examination this summer
Mathematics Very good 1 Excellent. Rowan has a marked aptitude for this subject.
French Credit 2 Good. Rowan’s written work is better than her oral work.
History Very good 1 Very Good. Rowan has excellent powers of recall and her essays are insightful
Geography Very good 1 Very Good. Rowan excels in this subject
Art Pass 1 Rowan works hard. Her powers of observation are good and are reflected in her work in pencil, but she struggles both in composition and in her handling of watercolours
Biology Very Good 2 Good
Religious knowledge
(Non- examination) Good 2 Rowan works steadily and has a good memory
Physical education
(non-examination) Excellent 1 Rowan excels in all branches of this subject. Her individual efforts and leadership skills are praiseworthy.

Form mistress’s comments
Rowan is an able and hardworking student, who is on course to achieve a pleasing school certificate. She is a courteous and sociable member of the form. Her organisational and leadership abilities are both commendable and she has become more tactful with others, although Rowan should give this more attention. Rowan should think carefully about her choice of subjects next year and should pay careful heed to advice from her subject mistresses. Rowan involves herself most creditably in school activities and has been a valued member of school teams.
Headmistress’s Comment
A pleasing year. Rowan should heed the advice of her form mistress.

school reports, rowan, marlows

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