H5 5.2, for Cristovau

May 19, 2009 13:15

To Katherine:
hey k8, u wanna b gf?

To Rex:
Dear Sir,
Is this a joke? I cannot tell from your "text message" language.

To Katherine:
no k8, s'ok u dont spk txt - if u <3 me?

To Rex:
I do not know how to answer. What does it mean to '<3 me'?

To Katherine:
2 <3 u k8 is ott, bc ur 0:-)

To Aliz:
Can you dismantle what he is saying? Is that supposed to be me, with some sort of halo?

To Katherine:
Yes, that's what he's saying.

To Katherine:
y k8, i rly mean it

To Aliz:
Behold the silver-tongued sophistry of men!

To Aliz:
? she say? say im no srs?

To Rex:
yes, that all u men have lies in ur mouths - that's k8!

To Katherine:
ur rit, sometimes were 2 slick. mb its good u a noob @ txt tho cuz if not ud c i cant b v slick @all. idk how 2 mince more than str8 up 2 say i <3 u. if u say 'o rly?' im lost 4 words. so plz, just gimme ur .02

To Rex:
Dear heavens, I think I understood that.

To Katherine:
Part 1 of 2: im no poet k8, ik. if i could WoW 4 ur <3 or out drink sum1, id rack up pts + drown em all 2 stupor. but k8, ive got no smooth words 2 win ur <3, just strong lan

To Katherine:
Part 2 of 2: guage, tho i dont toss it around, i always mean it. im not pretty but im a str8 shootr. + smooth guys th@ talk into ur <3 always talk ther way back out.

To Rex:
Is it possible that I should love the enemy of English?

To Katherine:
no k8, but i <3 english so much i cant help +ing more words 2 it. say YLM + we can share english 411 4evr.

To Rex:
I have no idea what you just said.

To Katherine:
no? ill say it ur way, tho im bad at it. Your Eloquense matched with my Inventingness twould make a more Beautiful English. ther, ik ul get a lol @ that, at least

To Rex:
Ha, your proper English is better than my 'txtmsg' .

To Katherine:
no k8, ther =ly bad. but dyk this much txt: can u <3 me?

To Rex:

To Katherine:
do ne of ur neighbors know? ill come over + ask them. ik u <3 me + ik ull txt 2 aliz bout me l8r. just b kind, bcuz ILY truly madly deeply. have my babies!

To Rex:
Well, I don't know about that!

To Katherine:
know it l8r, just say ull try it. try it + try me. How will you answer me, my heart, my whole world, my divine Kate?

To Rex:
OMG, you speak well enough to fool any txting N00B!
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