Sun Stand Still

Sep 22, 2010 11:55

Sun stand still.
What happens when we start praying for the impossible?

Steven Furtick has started an incredible ministry, or rather, God through him.. calling us to embraces the dreams God has placed inside of us, and pray audicious prayers and live out an audacious faith
I stumbled upon the kick off last night where he preached for 24 hours!!! Today I started sifting through the prayers, the sun stand still, impossible prayers and this broke my heart:

My prayer is for my future wife. That God would continue to bless her, guard her and prepare her, as he is doing with me. I long to grow into and become the husband and father he created me to be. One that will lead her and always pursue her passionately - ab

this is the cry of my heart, for my husband! and how encouraging is it to know that my future husband is praying the same prayers about me.

I recently decided to stop hiding that part of my heart from God, but rather embracing that it truly is a desire of my heart to have a husband. So here is my sun stand still prayer:

I pray for my future  husband. I ask that you are protecting him, shaping him, working in him, and leading him to me. I pray for our ministry together, that the cry of our hearts would only ever be to serve You and love You and make your name known on this earth! I pray that our hearts would break together for the things that break yours and He and I would be able to discern Your specific call on our lives. I pray that we would serve as missionaries together. Whether in another country or in our neighborhood, we would partner with you on mission. I pray for our children, that they would come to know that you are all that matters in this life, that they would develop an intimate relationship with you. Protect their purity. Shape me Lord into the woman you have called me to be. The desire of my heart is to be the wife, mother, and Christ follower you have called me to be, and I know I can only do this with your strength and your grace and your loving Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord in advance for the grace you will pour out on our relationship, Thank you for him God, I thank you for your faithfulness. I love you Jesus, and husband I love you, and I am so thankful for you. I will wait for you, I will wait on the Lord.
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