Oh, this stuff even I'm not sure about how to handle properly, and I'm a native speaker who had an "A" in Russian back at school. I believe all these are simply different words, that's all, and they are not interchangeable, neither are they synonymous. Лиричные (строки) vs. лирический (герой), динамичный (темп) vs. динамический (диапазон, IP).
The dictionary tells me such word pairs are called paronyms. Hell if I know what this is, google it. :)
Yes, but subjective-judgemental is possible only with динамичный и лиричный, it's not their only meanings, of course, but you can say that you approve or disapprove of something only with -ичный and never with -ический. I think.
The dictionary tells me such word pairs are called paronyms. Hell if I know what this is, google it. :)
Лиричный - judgemental, subjective
лирический - a term in literature
Динамичный - something rather good
динамический - no subjective meaning, an objective term
Лиричный I'd translate as emotional, poetic.
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