When to use på/á?

Apr 25, 2016 11:44

Gotta make this comm more active!!

på means "location". temporal or physical, it doesn't matter:

on the table = physical
on monday; on second thought = temporal

in the box = physical
in an hour = temporal
in other words = non-physical

at the seashore; ashore = physical
at 4 o'clock; asleep = non-physical

walk to the store = physical
talk to him = non-physical

by the seashore = physical
by 6 o'clock = temporal
it was made by him = non-physical

på (á in icelandic and faroese) is the same, it shows a more general location, which usually translates to "on, at" (as we have other, separate ones for more specific locations, such as "in, by, under").

jag gick på toan = i walked location the toilet
= i walked to the toilet.

jag skrattar på honom = i laugh location him
= i laugh at him

det står på bordet = it stands location the table
= it's sitting on the table

when it comes to faroese and icelandic, the dative case shows this base location and the preposition merely clarifies which type of location it is. we say "location dog", and then we add in "at / in / on / under / beside" as clarification when necessary.

textbooks always say that prepositions "steer" or "govern" cases, but that's not true. the meaning of the sentence controls which case is used; the preposition is just further clarifying what's already there. at times they will skip the prepositions entirely, because again, it's not the preposition that's actually controlling everything.

old norse, danish, notes and lessons, all languages, faroese

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