MCR Show 5/8/07

May 10, 2007 06:09

I should have done this yesterday, or better yet, Tuesday night when I got back from the show, because my memory is OLD, but I'll give it my best shot.

Muse was not opening for them, and I have no clue who the band was that they got to replace them, all I can tell you is that they were odd, I couldn't understand a word the man was singing, and I really just wished they'd go away so MCR would come on. Seriously, I have never before seen a band come on stage and do their entire set in the dark. I mean they had lighting, but never once was there a spotlight on the stage or any of the people on it. I could not tell you what a single member of the band looked like if my life depended on it. Weird.

The boys hit the stage at around 8:45, and first I have to say that I was slightly surprised by the size of the crowd. There were a lot of empty seats, and the floor was really only full back to sound/lighting. I think I felt the same way about the last show that I went to, which is probably just me, because it didn't seem to bother them at all.

I'm not going to go into detail about every little thing. I'm sure everyone knows the stage set-up, etc. by now. I will say that from the beginning I've thought The Black Parade was an incredible album, seeing the songs performed live really reinforced that for me. Cancer breaks my heart every time I hear it, for personal reasons, and seeing it live was no exception. Hearing the crowd sing the song, thinking about it now, gives me goosebumps. It was just one of those concert moments that burns itself into your memory and you know that years from now it'll still be there for you to pull it out.

I'm calling this the strut/swagger show, because Gerard's little hips and butt never stopped moving the entire show. I've seen him do the little hands on his hips butt wiggle many times, but not this consistently. He was in rare form, and having a hell of a lot of fun with it. It was kind of funny because one of the first comments my son made when we left the arena was, I didn't expect Gerard to strut around quite that He also said, Mom, I know what you're going to say, there was no where near enough group interaction, right? And sadly, that was true. Gerard went around to each of them a time or two, but there was no boy touching, no rocking out together, or none that struck me as memorable anyway, though I doubt the average fan attending thought anything of that. I'm just a slashy

I was a little disappointed that they didn't do any songs from Bullets. Again, this is a personal preference as Demolition Lovers and Vampires are two of my all time favorite MCR songs. Doesn't mean the show was bad, I loved it, I just would have loved seeing them perform those songs...and, it would have extended the show which can never be a bad thing.

I didn't see any effects from all the recent illness's. They all seemed to be in good spirits, and none of the seemed to have any trouble making it through the set. Frankie was busy, per usual, trying to give himself whiplash...I would never want to be that man's brain...and Ray was seriously into his music as always. I liked Bob's revolving drum stand, and I think along with thinking of it as the strut/swagger show, I'm also going to always think of it as the hair show, because between Ray, Bob, and Frankie there's enough hair to outfit many bald men with seriously full toupee's. I don't think I saw Frankie's face once, not until the very end of the show, when he walked off and raked two hands through his hair, which you know, mmmmmmmm.

Lemme see, what of the funniest things was when someone tossed either a red bra or pair of panties up on the stage and Gerard picked it up. What's this...he held them up and whatever it was, it was tiny...nope, don't think I can keep this, and he tossed it back. Too cute. People were also throwing boa's up for him, and he was wrapping them around his neck and strutting his stuff wearing them. I liked his patter about MCR and how their language was atrocious and that they didn't know how to dress. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I'm sure others do as it's part of the show. He was funny about it, and how the crowd was supposed to boo when he said The Black Parade only had two songs left.

I liked how he talked about violence, and how you never should resort to it. It kind of fit in to something that has been happening with my son and a group of his friends, one who happened to be with us. Having Gerard reinforce what mom's been preaching was kind of neat, even if he didn't know he was doing it.

The show was over way too quickly, though they played for a good hour and a half. You know how it is when you're really into the music and the band is on, you never want it to end. All in all I'm thrilled that they didn't have to cancel, and they seemed to be as well. Their energy was good, the songs were fantastic, and the kids had a blast, you really can't ask for more than that.

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