(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 21:58

Eric Matzke made me an ice cream cone today.  I asked for it just to make fun of him because he's bad at it, but he's actually not.  And when I told him that I was just kidding and I didn't really want one because I didn't have any money, he paid for it himself.  And it was quite a good ice cream cone and didn't fall over.

I saw Sam today for the first time in a long time.  He is one that I always forget how much I like him when he's gone, but when he comes back I'm always glad to see him.  He gave me the best greeting I've had in a long time, which is saying something since I work with little kids who love me.  He actually yelled my name across Fort Fun.  It was cool.

I saw Kari for about 30 seconds tonight.  Kari, call me so we can go to dinner and sign.  I feel like I don't see you often enough anymore.

Speaking of not seeing people often enough, I miss you Kristin Orlando!  And Dan!  And Karen!  But I am going to Karen's house next Tuesday even though she doesn't know it yet.  I am playing Halo with Paul then.  Anyway, come to Bachers' on Sunday, you all.  Since youth group has been "talky" lately, we're just playing games and hanging out and doing fun stuff.  Bring a game if you have a good one that we can play.

Pray for me, you all.  My stress level has gone through the roof at work lately.  I am teaching 2-year-olds, which is fun a lot of the time, but can be difficult.  You all will laugh when you read this, I know, but today when we went to the bathroom and changed diapers, one of my kids played in the toilet and another one peed on the floor.  Ok, I'll admit, it's funny now.  And my problems are so miniscule when compared with most other people.

Oh, back to the good stuff though.  Lindsay called me last night!  We talked for quite awhile and it was cool.  I miss her, but she's having an awesome time at camp.  She gets to work with a British girl AND an Australian guy.  She told me she's going to brush up on her accents this summer. :)

Ok, that's all for now.  My life has been boring lately, so it might be another long time until you hear from me here again. 
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