Ho shit it's totes like a new update! It's a bit late. Sorry about that. It was very difficult to put together. I kinda...fail. Sorry guys! Uhm, hope you enjoy!
Last time on the Rose Legacy some stuff happened!
And some more stuff happened! Like, Wynn stabbed a man! And Turnip ate a hamburger! And Button found a rock! And Ned made a friend!
Button: "Damn Turnip, why the hell does Jessie fail so much? Like she seriously can't remember what any of these pictures mean or what we did."
Turnip: "I know, you'd think she hated us or something."
Ned: "I hate to agree with Button and Turnip but they have a point. You're like, totally not good at this."
Shut up and go to school. That's what's happening.
Turnip: "How did I get upstairs..and what happened to my shirt?"
*giggle* I do not know, but it wasn't me. I swear it.
Well, after the shirtless Turnip interlude, the kids made it to the bus and headed to school. As you can see, the Ned and Button feud hasn't totally disappeared.
Yea, this is totally pointless. Chuck went for a drive. It made sense at the time. Why am I putting it here if I can't remember the point of it? SO I CAN BE CLICHED AND ANNOYING!
But she went for a run after and check out the loverly scenery. And the smexy-as legs. Bow-chicka-wow-wow Chuck is one sexy lady ;)
On the way home from school it was Button who was left out this time. Ned brought home their cousin Fatima! Which always makes for good times between the girls.
And the ostracisation continues at homework time.
Ned: "Isn't this so awesome Fatima? Doing homework with without Button?"
Button: "I can hear you Ned."
Ned "I know Fatima. Button is a loser face."
Fatima: "2+2=....damn this is hard!"
Chuck: "Ned, don't be so mean to your sister."
Ned: "*rage*..."
Fatima: "No seriously guys. What is this demonry?! WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO TWO PLUS TWO!!"
Chuck got a call from T and they discussed things. I don't know what things. Probably relational things.
Turnip, the ever sexy only male in a house of women went downtown to get smashed,pissed,hammereddrunk. Very drunk.
Turnip: "Heeeyyy guysh. Did I ever tell yous jusht how much I loves you all?"
Yup, no one's there. Who's the winnar now bitch?
Well, no one is there but Bella. We all know she's a closet alky ;) No..we don't? Well then. *pouts*
BACK AT THE HOMESTEAD! Button was homing in on Ned's future best friend/existing cousin.
Ned did not appreciate it.
Ned: "Bitch is going down."
So she broke out the eeney teeny yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time that day in the hopes that it would win Fatima over.
Button was doing...other stuff. I don't know what.
Button: "What do you mean you don't know? MY HAND IS TIRED! LOOOOOOOOK AT IT!!"
Ned: "So, Fatima, where's the bathing suit? Why aren't you dressed? We're supposed to be outside. Playing in the sprinkler. Forming a life long bond of friendship and love that could never be broken by spikey, brown and yellow haired demons named after household objects. IT WILL NEVER BE BROKEN!"
Fatima: "*vacant stare*"
In case you're wondering. I have never forgiven her for having Mia's eyes. NEVER EVER EVER! She may not even be stupid BUT NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW SHE STOLE MY EYES AND I HATE HER! *deep breath* Sorry for the rage.
Well, Fatima never joined Ned so she went outside and they all had a fire.
Chuck: "My marshmellow is burnt."
Turnip: "It represents my soul. It is burnt and charred like my broken heart. Scarred by the words of a cold woman. Battered by the neglect of an unwilling mother!!!"
Heh, like the money dollars sign? I do. IT WAS TOTALLY DONE ON PURPOSE (gosh there are a lot of caps in this update...)
Ned: "You are so full of shit."
Turnip: "Probably."
Speaking of Wynn. Absent, neglectful Wynn. She got a promotion. I know that. It was to...something involving a hammer and overalls.
Wynn: "I kinda hate you right now."
*shrug* Eh, nothing new there.
Turnip: "Lookin' good sis *winks*"
Button: "*cough*splutter* EW!"
Well maybe if you would put some damned clothes on every once in awhile...
No but seriously, she never wears clothes. She does everything in her underwear.
Mia even made an appearance this update! This long and random update...
Button said hi...in her underwear.
Mia: "Do you just not like pants? Is that it?"
Ned seems to be winning the Fatima war. Fatima comes home with one of the girls almost every day, but Ned always breaks out the sprinkler...
...while Button does something nerdy...half naked. Does it make it less nerdy if you're half naked? I don't know *decides to try this...*
Again, not really sure what the point of this is. Wynn spends a lot of time doing shit like this. Fishing..collecting...other boring things. She really serves no purpose. Originally I wanted her to be all "GETS LEGACY POINTS" but let's be honest, I'm not winnar enough for that. At all.
So I let her go home and call T over. T visits quite a bit.
They do a lot of this....
Ned does a lot of this. She's really quite full of herself.
Ned: "If I show my teeth I'm way more fearsome. Button will never steal Fatima from me now."
Since Chuck does nothing and I don't want to ruin her life I thought I would let her and T get engaged.
I'm not sure but I think T said yes. Either that or Chuck is very forgiving...
Meanwhile, right above where his sister and his sister's girlfriend where getting busy Turnip was HOMG I LOVE THAT PAINTING SO MUCH! *cough* Uh, what was I saying? Oh right, Turnip was hitting on this lady. Before I realized she was an adult. Sad and manly isn't enough to cross the teen/adult line unfortunately. Sad days Turny, saaaaad days.
This is very funny. You get a cookie if you can tell me why ;)
Oh, hello sexy man maid. Would you like to donate babies to mah legacy? I do not know your name, and you will never return to this house but hey, it was worth a shot.
Button: "Well Mr. Duck. One day we will rule the world. Or, if not the world, at least the legacy. Why Mr. Duck? Because, we are amazing. And because Jessie is lazy. Also, she likes my name. What's not to like? Button, But. Ton. Buuuutttttttooooonnnnn. It's fun to say."
Button has a point. A crazy point, but a point nonetheless. I am lazy, and she has many gardening points. And for the none of you who are keeping track...gardening is important. Or something. Besides, Button fucking rocks!
Button: "I will defeat you, you wiley opponent you!"
Button, there isn't anyone there...
Button: "I know, I'm my only worthy adversary. It's a real challenge to beat myself."
Random lady smelling the toddler's head: "You're kinda off your rocker aren't you?"
Button: "Don't worry Mr. Duck. We'll get rid of that blonde random townie one day. Yes we will!"
Random blonde townie: *Is afraid*
I don't really think Button plans to kill her....not...really? Well who knows! I sure as shit don't! In case you're wondering, yea, that's the end. Sorry about this guys. It's late, I'm tired, and when I opened up this folder I looked at these pictures and went "Jessie, what in the hell does this mean?" And then I went "*thinks about loading the Shadows and pretending the Rose's don't exist*" and then I finally went "*sigh...edits random pictures and writes crap update*" So, yea, IT'S BEEN INFLICTED UPON YOU! HAHAHAHA! Button's non-evil is rubbing off on me ;) Have a good one guys!