Two Wrongs Make A Legacy Chapter 2.2

Jun 05, 2009 20:22

I've got another chapter of the Round Robin for everyone!

Last time, sly romancer Liam made a new home in Pearson Bay. A home free from his mother's insistence that he get married and have kids to keep a legacy going. He took advantage of this newfound freedom by bedding every woman he could, of course, until he met shy, sweet Sunny. After a night of passionate romance the two roommates became an official couple and life was peaches, until Sunny found herself pregnant. Now Liam was facing the very same life he had run away from and he had a choice to make. He finally decided that all he really wanted was Sunny, and if that meant a baby, then he'd accept that. Finally little Kato joined the family and Liam was suprised to find that he took to fatherhood quite well. Although, his new outlook on parenthood might change when he finds out that Sunny is expecting another little sproglet.

( A New Beginning )

round robin, s2wg, legacy challenge

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