Well, I think I'm finally getting past my temper tantrum about having to be a student and actually having to do school work. It helps that I got a few things done and don't feel so overwhelmed.
So on to the things that are interesting to me....
Financial Interesting: Several days ago the New York Times posted an article about people who were blogging about their attempts to get out of debt, "
Debtors Search for Discipline via Blogs." Even though I've read blogs dedicated to almost every topic, this was a new concept to me. I found several cool blogs and links that I thought I would share:
- Blogging Away Debt- this was the blog mentioned in the NYT article, and I found most of the other blogs through her blogroll.
- Make Love Not Debt- a youngish couple writes this blog. They both accumulated debt while in college, and now they're working to pay off their now combined bills. They posted a list of warning signs of debt trouble that struck me close to home. I think half of the warning signs apply to me.
- Boston Gal's Open Wallet- I liked this one because she is single like me, so I figure I can take a few pointers from her.
- Lazy Man and His Money seems to be more about money management than debt management. Still it is an interesting site.
- Ask Uncle Bill is a blog along the same lines as the Lazy Man blog. As far as I know it is not by MY Uncle Bill, but it is still worth reading as far as I can tell.
- The Simple Dollar has an interesting post about the freedom of frugality.
Quilting Interesting: Lately I've been totally captivated by these quilts that use the same block pattern over and over again, but because of how the fabrics are arranged each block looks unique and interestingly different. Check these out:
- Purple & Green- the one that started it all.
- Pink & Green- the one that the first one was based on.
- A Simpler Block- a quilt design I could start on, hopefully learning color/value/texture arrangement along the way.
Blogs Interesting: If you've read my links above and are wondering how I keep up with it all, I have two words for you:
Google Reader. I check it every day and keep up with it like my friends list. And when I can't keep up, I mark everything as read and keep going.
Crop Walk Interesting: On March 3rd I'll be participating in Crop Walk, about a week and a half away. If you'd like to contribute, there is still time. Just visit my
Crop Walk website.