I had to add some new interests, because it was giving me the same set that I had last time I did this. Gakked from practically everyone.
LJ Interests meme results
- blogging:
The fact that blogging has recently become so popular is very interesting to me. I love that people all over the world are expressing themselves in writing. When you think of all the different ways that we have now for communicating, the fact that we still turn to writing says so much about the value of writing. - children's books:
I love children's books, and they have kind of an underdog status in so many contexts. Children's books are so often underappreciated, but I think they have value beyond their use with children. I think people like JKR who can bring attention to children's books are just amazing. - education:
I kind of have a love/hate relationship with education. On the one hand, I really believe that we should all be actively trying to improve our lives and our educations. While knowledge can be trivial and useless, I do think that there is great wisdom to be found through education. On the otherhand, I've really come to loath the American education system, public education, etc. I don't really know the answers to the problems of education today, but I feel that the policies in place, as often as not, either accomplish nothing or make the problems worse. - france:
I've been to France three times, I think? Maybe four. My uncle and his family live in Paris, so we've gone to visit them a few times, and I served my mission there as well. - information studies:
This is what I'm getting a degree in, information studies, formally known as library science. So now you know, and the next time you ask someone what they're studying, and they respond, "Information studies." You'll know that they are interested in doing something with libraries, information architecture, archiving, etc. - lord of the rings:
Lord of the rings, awesomeness.
- pens:
Hee...my new favorite is the purple Pilot V ball extra fine. - reading:
Fun reading, I should clarify. Textbook reading holds no interest for me. - teaching:
I miss it, and I don't. I miss sharing ideas with people and reaching out to them. I don't miss grading papers or attending meeting after meeting after meeting. - writing:
If I could have one superpower that would help to change the world for the better? Writing.
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