Wow, an open post!

Nov 03, 2006 18:21

Ack! Because, well, I'm Friends-Only, I should write a letter to my yuletide Santa.

So... here it is!

Hi, Mr./Miss/Other-Title yuletide Santa! *waves in what she hopes is a cheerful manner*

Dear yuletide Santa,

First of all, thank you for accepting the daunting challenge of yuletide, and while I know that the assignments are somewhat randomly generated (or something), I ( Read more... )

fannish pursuits, yuletide santa

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Okay, let's see how well this goes... leaper182 November 7 2006, 22:46:00 UTC
(For the sake of space, I'll try to do these in separate comments, because my computer is acting wonky. *sad*)

IDEA 1: Quantum Leap/A-Team Crossover

Okay, now there's a number of ways to go with this one. Hopefully, something in this comment will strike the muse. :)

* There are a number of episodes that have Sam Leaping directly into the Vietnam War era. He Leaped into a fellow in his older brother's unit, and I believe in others, it was happening during Vietnam. Now, considering that the A-Team were an elite group in 'Nam, it would make sense that Sam could Leap in.

* Part of the A-Team canon (or it could be fanon) is that the group had been held for a time in a POW camp. If not the entire group, at least Murdock, because there are a number of fanfics where part of the reason that Murdock's as unbalanced as he is is because he was in a POW camp for some time. In the same episode where Sam Leaped into his brother's unit, their original objective had been to save POWs that were being transferred, but that mission wasn't accomplished since Sam wanted to save his brother. You can write about Al meeting Murdock in the POW camp, or even have Sam Leap into another prisoner being held there, and watch the interaction.

* Part of QL canon is that small children and insane people can see Sam and Al for who they are -- Sam once Leaped into an insane asylum, and when he had received electroshock therapy, and was unable to teach one of the people there how to read, it fell on Al to teach him. Needless to say, if Sam were to Leap in at any time during Murdock's life, Murdock could see him (and Al). This can be especially interesting if Murdock and Al met in the POW camp and remembered each other.

* Sam could Leap in during an A-Team's mission during the 1980s, which is when the A-Team is set. Having him Leap in as Face would be interesting, because it would draw on Sam's ability to con people out of things, which would set up a nice quandary for him. If the story included Face/Murdock, that would make things even more complicated, as it's understood that Sam has Leaped into women, but never had to deal with the mechanics of sex while female. :D

Furthermore, the mission that Sam could Leap into could have Sam making a choice between saving one person or the whole Team. I only really remember watching the first two seasons of the A-Team recently, so any episodes after they've been captured by Stockwell are going to be fuzzy for me. Sorry! :(

* In terms of adding angst in this scenario, hurt/comfort works wonders -- there's no telling how many times one of the Team has gotten hurt, and they have to patch themselves and each other up.

Another angle to go is if Face/Murdock were to happen, and Sam ends up having to deal with the relationship. There is only one episode where it seems like Sam has Leaped into a gay man, but there was nothing remotely romantic about it -- his objective was to save a fellow student that had been drummed out because he was gay from killing himself. There was tension between Sam and Al because Sam felt that it didn't matter that the guy he had Leaped into might or might not be gay, while Al was firmly against the idea of gays in the military. So, not only would there be tension between Sam and Murdock because Sam isn't Face (and Hannibal and BA seem to think he is), but there's also what Al would say when he puts his two cents in about the situation.

* Murdock could also worry if he's taken a turn for the worse, just because he's the only one who can see Sam and Al for who they are. Murdock's functional, and there's times when it seems like Murdock is faking being crazy in order to stay in the VA hospital, but at the same time, if he really *were* nuts, I have a feeling seeing Sam replace his friend and not being taken seriously by the rest of the group would really do a number on him.

Um, and I'm not really sure of what else I can offer for this one. I'd love to see Face/Murdock and possibly Sam/Al (if either strikes your fancy), and it would be neat to have Murdock interacting with Al, especially if they remembered each other from 'Nam.

But yeah. Argh! Will try to get to the other three requests later. *facepaw*


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