Jan 15, 2007 13:55
It's been quite a while since I've last written, I believe.
So much has happened in the last year, and so much will be going on this year.
For thanksgiving, I got to go to Fort Lauderdale (FLA), my hometown with my parents and Justin. It was a very LONG ride there, and even longer ride back, but the time inbetween all of those driving hours were amazing! My entire extended family lives in Fort Lauderdale, and we stayed in my Aunt Laurie's house. Thankfully, construction and such on her house had finished a couple of weeks before (her house was VERYVERY damaged from Hurricane Wilma (I think?) shortly after Katrina in 05.
We went to Jai-Alai (an ancient game which was turned into gambling type thing, and it was LOTS of fun), and I have humorous pictures of ultra-confused Justin out front of the place.
We got to go to the Beach, and even though the day was slightly rainy, I got to get a bit wet, and got to skim board (my cousin has one), and that was awesomely fun. And justin fell on his face (sadly I missed it!), and got sand in his nose, and ears and everything. It was great.
We only stayed for two or three nights, but it was a really fun trip.
Then, for Christmas, I had a great time with my family and Justin and as always was very excited about Justin's super-creativity when it comes to gift-giving. (you can see all those gifts on my facebook albums) As always on Christmas eve, we visited with our long time friends, and what used to be a group of just their family and ours (9 people) has grown with the kid's girlfriends, wives (they're all boys except me, obviously), and now my justin... So this time there were 16 or 17 of us, and it pretty much grows every year. I got to taste pomegranates for the first time, and they're amazing!
The new year started wonderfully, watching the ball drop with my guy, and knowing I was about to begin my last and final semester.
Sadly, I returned to school on Jan 8 (as many others did, I'm sure), and, happily, started my SENIOR semester. I'm so incredibly excited to be finished, but at the same time nervous to finish because I don't feel like I'm ready to be a nurse! I will be out on my own with the ability to make or break a patient's stay at the hospital. I will be the first line, the person the patient and their family have the most interaction with. I will be the person who answers all of their questions, and comforts them when they are scared. I will be giving them all of their medications, and have the possibility of making a mistake. I will be the one unable to take Christmas "off" just because it's a holiday, because there will still be patients there who need to be taken care of.
I have decided that I really, really want to go into a Ped's floor, and preferably at CMC-main. They are building the new Levine's Chilren's Hospital, and it is absolutely beautiful and amazing, and I hope that is where I get to work.
Most new grads are required to "break in" to the system and work nights. You get paid more, but it gets incredibly tolling working 7pm to 7am shift day after day, week after week. I'm excited though. I'm ready to finish school (for now), graduate, and take NCLEX (licensing exam!), and be a nurse...
Sadly I have my Critical Care clinical experience from 1:45 to 10:15 pm... which I believe will kill me... we'll see, I guess.
For Spring break, my parents are taking me as a graduation gift to Savannah, GA with Justin, and I'm incredibly excited. We have a house rented just a mile from main street, and eeh! I'm so excited. I love taking any trip with Justin because having uninterupted, "Carefree" time without worrying about school, responsibilities, etc is great.
Speaking of trips, we are planning one for the time inbetween when I graduate and when I take NCLEX (and inbetween the Wedding on May 28th and the wedding I have to go to June 9th with the family I nanny for)...
My grandparents are giving me two plane tickets to anywhere in the U.S. for my grad. present.
I was thinking Maine (LOBSTER, cliffs, etc), Washington DC, NYC, San Fran, Reno (don't ask... we had fun there last time!), Disney (a NO-NO for Mr.J... only HE could hate the happiest place in the world!), also Fort Lauderdale (low cost because we'd have family to stay with). We'll see what we decide to do, because the most $$ part will be hotel room. In all of the big cities, they are about 200-400 bucks a NIGHT ! We looked at Youth Hostels, but I don't want to stay in a Dorm style room, and the other private rooms are booked a year or so in advance (not to mention they aren't the most fun places to stay!)
We'll see. This year is going to be crazy busy, and exciting and new all around. I'm going to be a nurse by Mid-Summer. I will keep living with my parents until A) I get sick of them and have to get away B) Justin goes away to college C) I get married
The most likely is B, so I may be moving up to WCU or UNCA or ECU... eeeh! So much unknown, but I'm ready to face it.
This was longwinded, but I was in a mood to write (type).