In a year...

Jun 18, 2006 03:10

So I am studying for my SECOND third semester nursing test... (hopefully I do as well on this one as on the first)

Yes, it's definitely 3am , but what a cup of coffee and a caffiene pill can do for yah!

I took off "work" and meant to study all day, but this is my problem that I don't start until after 12 midnight usually and then I can't stop ;)
Tomorrow will be all day study, regardless of tomorrows "FATHER'S DAY" status.

So while taking a short break from my studying, just checking mail it suddenly occurred to me.

In just a short year so many things will be changed.
First and foremost I will no longer be considered a "child" (yes, I am over 18, but I still live with my parents and off of their income), (and even though I will PROBABLY live here at home at least another year after I graduate until I am married... I so don't want to live alone, ever.) I will be making a substantial amount of money, have my own bills, and be responsible for so much only 19

I will have the lives of patients in my hand without my instructors standing over me to assure that i don't make medication errors... (that's scary that I will be acting alone in the hospital to me...)

I'm trying to make the decision about now (since I'll have to apply soon) whether or not I am going to apply to UNCC's RN-BSN program...

The only reason I'm hesitating is because... their pre-reqs include 2 college math classes (and I never got past algebra one in HS ;) Plus 3 quarters of geometry, if that counts), 2 college level foreign languages (now, if they offered a medical only foreign language I'd be more eager to take it... there is a great need to know how to communicate to my patient and tell him\her what I'm doing, what their going to have done (surgically or procedural wise), ask them their pain level, etc. but I do not care to know how to write essays in spanish, etc.)

Also, another plus is that if I were full time, I could remain on my parents insurance and get paid a LOT more on the hospital unit
(the difference between a/b 20 an hour with benefits and 35 dollars an hour without... that's a huge amount) and would help me save money for MY HOUSE!!!

Ah. It's so overwhelming. So much is "riding" on me graduating on time.

I am so looking forward to my parents taking J and I to savannah on my LAST spring break ever in 07. It will be a blastblastblast. I am looking forward to my "summer vacation" (August 5th thru 21st with an orientation for my new job sometime in there...) and then CHRISTMAS vacation, which I am looking even MORE forward to because...
I love christmas time, especially when it is warm, #1

Oh and I am SO turning 19 in about a month. ;) And I am sooo going to the melting pot for it!
This is going to be a HUGE year. Exciting and scary at the same time!
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