May 04, 2011 14:14


I would have liked if they kept the original title, Point of Rescue, but over-all-- it was a pretty good two parter. It was beautifully filmed, some shots were really amazing I think I liked that aspect better than the actual story, and the music was superb.
The story was a little rushed, maybe, there at the end, but who am I to complain about getting MOAR OLIVIA WILLIAMS.

I did live blog text derevko_child  while I was watching the first part yesterday. My favorite text I sent her was:

ARE YOU DISRESPECTING THE HOUSE OF WILLIAMS?  ... this is in reference to Lauren Cooper, played by the ever glorious Catherine Tate.

It was a bit weird though, seeing her so very... non Adelle DeWitt.

ALSO. AS cutting_onions  said: ALL THE SAILORS ON BOARD WE ARE SHIPPING IT. Ship so hard.

I really hope they continue with the show. I LOVED IT.

television: case sensitive, actress: olivia williams, olivia freakin williams

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