My in-laws are visiting. I was insufficiently prepared -- they had been planning to have breakfast at the hotel, but Mary can't eat anything there. So I've got extra mouths to feed for the next few days for more meals than I'd anticipated, with more restrictions than usual (no sugar at all, no grains aside from whole wheat/multigrain) and no chance to go shopping.
Bring it on.
I spent a chunk of yesterday whacking back one of the butterfly bushes. Had I known that it was going to be a three-lawn-bag-plus-greens-can deal, I might have waited a day or two, but noooo. So yeah, three lawn bags. Go me?
Pondering doing the A&S 50 challenge, haven't decided what yet. I would like to be able to make the target deadline (the 50th anniversary), but don't want to do anything too easy or too hard. Link here for interested peoples. Originally posted
on Dreamwidth, where there are
comments. You can comment either here or there.