Aug 10, 2006 01:48
OMGWTFBBQ? (XD;) Is Mika really Hispanic pretending to be Japanese? Is this some sort of scandal by SONY? Is Mika perhaps *gasp* of mixed race?
Okay, I may be going a bit out on a limb, but she sure as hell confused me with the "MY SUGAR CAT" promos and the PV. Perhaps it's the curly hair? AND HEY -- I'm not the only one who was all @_@ when I showed a MY SUGAR CAT promo around to everyone I encountered. XDDD;; WOAH. Maybe it's a family scandal and Mika herself doesn't even know it? OMG,!
Seriously, though, how the hell does that happen? o_O?
That's all for ramblings by leanne. until next time.