EWWWWW I'm soooo fuuulllll. I usually eat around maybe 1000-1500 calories a day, but today I had 3 meals! *gasp* And at 8 I went to get dinner of french fries and chicken and I'm still not finished (11.44) but I'm toooo full.
And I've unknowingly began to count calories. o_O I go Oh, Frosted Flakes, 200 calories, plus soy. Wow, that's my 300 calorie meal! :D
I have an 8-page paper due at 8.30 tomorrow morning. :D Pages done: 0. w00t.
Doesn't help that my suitemates are loud outside. But in reality, if I really wanted to get it done, I woulda gone to the study center in the hall. XD
And a note: those free gift offers are shit. I wanted a free Nintendo Wii, so I figure w/e I'll try it. You never know, it's worth a try. So I'm doing fine, completing it. 'Cept I spent 10$ on it. -_-;; Then in the last page it was like "do 4 of these" and there WERE ONLY 4 THINGS. including...male...supplements...>_> I was like "crap, i'm stupid". but w/e you learn from your mistakes and move on. :D On the bright side, I have a dollar worth of make up and some teeth whitening junk on my way. XDDD
...but I want a Wii...TT_TT. And btw, I adore the name. :P I think it works well aesthetically. Even if it's not WOAH REVOLUTION. So there :P
But I'm happy that I'm going to
this. w00t!!!