December Newsletter and new Fundraising Project!

Dec 14, 2012 14:42

(Interesting.  My posts haven’t been cross-posting from Dream Width.  Must look into that.  In the mean time…)

I’ve been hard at work on the album, and finally have all the guitar work done (except one fiddly bit that needs a touch up). By next Tuesday I should have most or all of the cello parts recorded as well! I am so thankful for my friends at SeaFire productions and Criminal Studios for their time and talent for what has been done so far.
The album is finally starting to take tangible shape, and I’m really excited about how its turning out!

Sadly, while I have enough funds to finish recording, I will run out before I can pay for the mastering and replication. To fix that lack, I’m running another campaign, this time on Indiegogo.

For those of you not familiar with the difference between that and Kickstarter, it partners with Paypal instead of Amazon AND it takes credit cards which makes it a little easier to back a project. Secondly it offers two different funding options. The one I’ve chosen will take your payment right away and give it to me right away, and I get to keep that even if the project doesn’t suceed. This is important because there are corners I can cut if I really have to, so every little bit really does help.

In all of this, there is one thing I want to be certain you know though… If you backed my last project? I’m not asking you for more money. Help spreading the word would be fantastic though! If you want to back me again I won’t turn you away, but I don’t expect it of you. I say this, because some of you may see many posts from me over the next month talking up my project, and I want you to know how much I appriciate what you’ve already done. =^_^=

In other news, I have a concert at Geekfest in Seattle this Sunday at 1:30pm. Tickets are $15 for the weekend More information can be found at:

I’m going to try for a December song (one of you has been patiently waiting for it), but at this rate it may come after Christmas. Still, a dragon’s Christmas song ought to fit the “ruin” part of Roses and Ruin, don’t you think?
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